对于初学者来说,使用手中的虚拟货币是最容易的,常见的提现方式有以下几种。 (来自 CoinsRadar.net):
刚刚进入币圈的新手一定会被铺天盖地的冻结卡消息所困扰。 自从国家大力开展“断卡行动”以来,确实有效遏制了国内电子诈骗团伙的嚣张气焰,有了明显好转,但普通老百姓也渐渐发现手中的银行卡已经没有用处了。 不仅从银行提取大额现金困难,就连进行虚拟货币交易的币圈人士也因为黑米而颤抖,生怕一不小心提款收到黑钱,就会被误伤。
C2C提现应该是国内最流行的USDT销售方式。 是人对人的,目前各大平台都采用这种方式。
这种取款方法的唯一优点是速度快。 只要你有资金,直接在交易所点击“卖币”,就会有大量专业商家购买USDT,交易速度也很快,但需要注意不要贪图差价几美分。 通常,以高价接收U的风险会增加。 市场价格合理,提币金额小,适合持有少量USDT的新手。
缺点也很明显。 无法控制交易对手的资金。 目前美国很多商家同时买卖U。 也许他自己的资金没有问题,但是当他高买低卖的时候,他就会进出U。他的资金混在一起,不知道哪一只会被黑。 账户被黑后,钱会转给提款的你,因此存在卡被冻结、违规的风险。
2. 从香港提款
目前,香港已全面支持数字货币并鼓励数字货币交易,金融体系也在大力整合数字货币。 香港大街小巷都有BTC/ETH ATM机。 您可以直接出售BTC换取港币。 然而这个问题对于普通散户新手来说就更加不现实了。 谁会飞去香港换少量的U? 如果有大量的USDT值得飞去兑换,而且对于没有香港账户的新手来说,如何将大量港币无损带回国内又是一个大问题。 去年笔者还亲自去了香港,发现交易所ATM机需要KYC认证,但遗憾的是,香港合规平台目前无法为大陆用户通过KYC。 您需要有境外长期居留证件或其他国家的护照。
加密U卡也是2023年的一种新的提款方式。由于Visa和MasterCard两大西方机构都集成了加密货币结算,因此涌现了很多技术提供商来进行加密货币的USDT结算,然后各大发卡平台将经营这项业务。 最常见的加密U卡类型是虚拟U卡和物理U卡。
虚拟U卡比较适合U金额较少的新手,注册账户后,会为你提供一个海外visa或万事达银行账户。 这个账号可以绑定支付宝和微信,有些号段甚至可以绑定苹果商店。 支付,具体支持的绑定根据提供的号段而定。 一般开卡时需要支付1-2U的开卡费,然后会给您一个充值USDT的地址。 转U到地址后,会按照一定的比例与美元进行兑换,一般会有1.5%左右的损失,加上消费的汇率损失在3%左右。 目前比较常见、主流的虚拟卡平台有DUPAY、ONESARD等平台。 关于虚拟卡账户的使用和注册,拜乐会在后续的文章中一步步教新手如何注册。
Currently, the common physical U cards on the market are MasterCard U Card and International U Card. European and Lithuanian Paytend digital banks provide services. The MasterCard U Card launched by Paytend is equivalent to a co-branded card launched by ICBC. Its feature is that it supports digital currency storage. Value, and you can withdraw cash from all bank ATMs that support MasterCard. The biggest advantage of a physical card is that with a physical bank card, you can directly withdraw cash from mainland ATMs and spend money at POS machines. The limit is relatively large, and you can make large withdrawals. , this method is very safe. Of course, the loss of different card issuing platforms is basically 4%. However, due to the flooding of the market, the daily cash withdrawal limit of MasterCard U Card has been reduced from the previous 30K to about 7K now, and the quality of customer service has also declined. Gradually declining, the editor once had a situation where I would withdraw cash without spitting out a receipt, and could not find customer service again and again. In view of the current status of the MasterCard U Card, the editor does not recommend it very much. The international payment U card is relatively much more friendly. The international U card has the UnionPay logo and can be spent at any place with the UnionPay logo. It also provides an APP that can be used and POS machines that can swipe the card. It can be used in major convenience stores and shopping malls. You can use the APP’s built-in QR code to scan the code for consumption, and there is a handling fee for withdrawal. There is no handling fee for scanning the QR code and POS. The smooth payment fully meets the needs of daily life, but unfortunately the application has been stopped now. Anyone want to Newbies who want to know more can click and follow, and the author will tell you the latest progress as soon as possible.
4. Overseas business settlement
Since USDT is anchored to the U.S. dollar at a ratio of 1:1, it is suitable for people with overseas business to make payments, but the audience is small and we will not make a decisive statement.
5. Fixed cooperative U business
If you have a large or stable U deposit and need to frequently access your bank card, then a currency dealer with stable funds in the account is your best choice. The fixed currency dealer will trade with you and compare the counterparties. It is single and not easily subject to bank risk control. At the same time, fixed U merchants can establish a healthy cooperative relationship and build trust with each other. It will be more convenient in the process of buying and selling U in the future. If you need this, you can leave a private message in the background. Lebi will try its best to provide channel resources for everyone.