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新闻业遇上人工智能:时代周刊与 OpenAI 的合作带来重大改变

《时代》杂志与 OpenAI 宣布达成战略联盟和多年内容合同。该合作于 2024 年 6 月 27 日公布,目标是将《时代》杂志的知名新闻报道与 OpenAI 的产品(例如广受欢迎的 AI 聊天机器人 ChatGPT)结合起来。


通过此次合作,OpenAI 将可以访问《时代》杂志的庞大档案,其中包含 101 年的新闻资料。这些丰富的数据将用于改进 OpenAI 的产品,并为用户的问题提供更全面的答案。

至关重要的是,当《时代》杂志的材料出现在人工智能生成的评论中时,它总是会被正确归属并链接回原始的 Time.com 来源。

《时代》杂志首席运营官马克·霍华德强调了此次合作的重要性,因为该杂志长期以来一直致力于创新。他表示,《时代》杂志自成立以来一直紧跟技术发展,以确保其报道的持续适用性和相关性。与 OpenAI 的合作被视为《时代》杂志实现其目标的合理下一步,即增加全球范围内获取可靠和准确信息的渠道。

我们与《时代》杂志及其 101 年的档案内容合作,以增强反响,并在 https://t.co/LgvmZUae9M 上提供故事链接:https://t.co/xHAYkYLxA9

— OpenAI (@OpenAI) 2024 年 6 月 27 日

此次合作是提高其人工智能技术生成数据的准确性和可靠性的明智一步。OpenAI 首席运营官 Brad Lightcap 强调了此次合作的双重优势。

首先,它将方便消费者通过 OpenAI 平台获取优质新闻信息。其次,保证对原始来源的正确引用表明 OpenAI 致力于促进可信新闻报道。


然而,合作并非单方面的。此外,时代周刊将能够接触到 OpenAI 的最新创新,从而为其客户群创造新产品的可能性。预计这种技术互动将推动新闻传播和访​​问方式的创新。

《时代》杂志还将有机会提供建议和有用的信息,以改善和改进通过 ChatGPT 和其他 OpenAI 技术传递新闻的方式。

此次合作符合人工智能领域的更大格局,因为 OpenAI 在与大型媒体公司达成内容合作方面处于领先地位。所有合作都有助于 OpenAI 实现许多目标,例如创建内容消费监管框架,并提供高质量、多样化的材料来增强其人工智能模型。

OpenAI 与其他媒体机构的“争执”

The value of these media collaborations has been highlighted by the latest legal disputes within the AI sector. Notably, The New York Times has sued Microsoft and OpenAI, claiming that they have violated their copyright. OpenAI is safeguarding itself against any legal problems in addition to obtaining important material by proactively entering into agreements with large publications.

OpenAI distinguishes itself from some of its rivals in the AI area by its active pursuit of media relationships. Businesses that have been less active in forming these kinds of partnerships are Anthropic and Google. With this tactic, OpenAI may be able to gain a competitive edge as it expands the scope and legal stability of the information base that supports its AI models.

Working with reliable news sources might assist in increasing user confidence in AI-powered information services as worries about fake information and AI-generated lies continue to rise.

The Integration of AI and Journalism in a Broader Context

At present, AI systems in news companies are predominantly utilized by journalists, product managers, and audience analytics teams, creating a nuanced interplay between overarching organizational objectives and grassroots priorities. Looking ahead, while AI may indeed replace specific roles over time, it becomes imperative to contemplate whose interests and decision-making frameworks will ultimately dominate in the medium to long term.

Without a deliberate focus on reporting by news executives, the mere introduction of AI will not guarantee an elevation in journalism standards or an improvement in the quality of information disseminated to the public.

Context and subtlety will determine how artificial intelligence affects news and public space in the future. At the moment, it largely retools news instead of drastically altering the goals and requirements of news companies. Digital technologies have already altered the way news companies operate, and the introduction and use of AI will further transform these methods.

There will be winners and losers in this market. News companies who have made investments in R&D, staff time, talent, and infrastructure will have an advantage over others when it comes to implementing new AI technology and creating valuable goods and services. AI will change news companies, and with it, the public sphere—which is essential to democracy—will change as well.

The role of news organizations as gatekeepers to an information ecosystem that offers precise, diversified, timely, relevant, and relevant information on current events might be strengthened by AI.




阿隆德拉·尼尔森 (Alondra Nelson) 指出,有些用例可能已经经过深思熟虑但尚未得到适当检查,还会出现计划外或意外的损害。

新闻业遇上人工智能:时代周刊与 OpenAI 之间改变游戏规则的合作一文最先出现在 Metaverse Post 上。


