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欢迎回到 4 万美元比特币的时代。以太坊也回到了 2000 美元以上,而较小的代币正在追赶大型市值,而且也正好赶上假期。


这些周期植根于一些有形因素,这些因素源于投资者心理、监管发展和技术进步驱动的需求动态,以满足减半时间表、协议分叉和 ICO 的供应需求。当这些因素有利时,需求猛增,导致价格飙升,而炒作和无处不在的“FOMO”(害怕错过)往往会进一步推动价格上涨。那是牛市的太平日子,我们沐浴在普遍的欣喜之中,而恐惧的焦点是进一步的上行意外。

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(来源:CoinDesk 指数)

比特币环比上涨 18%,而追踪更广泛市场的 CoinDesk 市场指数 (CMI) 上涨 21%。 CMI 相对于比特币的优异表现表明人们对小盘山寨币的偏好,这是一个积极的周期指标,与积极的比特币和以太趋势指标值一起出现,并且围绕现货交易所交易基金 (ETF) 的讨论持续升温。我们看到加密投资基金的资金流入激增,甚至模因币也卷土重来——是的,它们又回到了游戏中。此外,Sam Bankman-Fried 审判的结束给加密世界带来了一个新的开始。

Why are we out of the deep freeze? Well, it’s all about a shift in the narrative. Wall Street is entering the scene big time, talking billions in investments through ETFs. They’re spinning a tale of mainstream institutions swooping in to save the day, making crypto safer and more transparent for investors.

The focus now? More regulated crypto exchanges, building broader and more sustainable products like ETFs, tokenized securities, and stablecoins — not the frothy inside joke stuff of meme coins and overpriced NFTs we saw in the COVID frenzy.

This shift might ruffle some feathers, straying from crypto’s original ethos as an alternative to mainstream finance. But, hey, it’s what’s revving up excitement again. And it’s not just Wall Street driving this. Macro factors like the potential end of the U.S. interest rate hiking cycle, Middle East tensions and the specter of long-term inflation are nudging investors toward safer harbors, including crypto, as BlackRock’s Larry Fink’s “flight to quality,” comment suggested. Funny how a former crypto-skeptic like Fink is now singing Bitcoin’s praises on national TV, huh?

Assuming we’re now out of the deep crypto freeze, where are we in this new cycle? From an analysis of previous Bitcoin cycles using the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (XBX), we can see that we could be well on our way to the next cycle highs.

From an average of previous cycles, it takes about 700 days between previous cycle lows and new cycle highs, with drawdowns averaging some -80% across cycles. Assuming November 21, 2022 was the previous cycle low, this would imply a new cycle high sometime in Q3 of 2024, with new highs exceeding previous cycle highs (November 9, 2021 was Bitcoin all-time-high of $67k) by a multiple of 2-7 times, assuming the averages of a small sample size of Bitcoin cycles hold and history repeats itself.

(Source: CoinDesk Indices)

Massive cycle analysis caveats aside, it appears that we’re out of another crypto winter, with the support of a broader institutional adoption narrative and a favorable macroeconomic backdrop.

Truly developments to be thankful for this holiday season.


From CoinDesk Deputy Editor-in-Chief Nick Baker, here is some news worth reading:

  • 矿工们DARWIN ERA:

    关于比特币区块链需要了解的一点是,每四年左右,奖励给矿工创造新比特币的比特币 (BTC) 数量就会减少一半。这就像,我不知道,你是一名金矿工,时不时有一个神奇的存在将你的矿缩小了一半。在加密货币的情况下,你公司的核心在区块链的眨眼间就会急剧恶化 50%。生意难做!这种事情会让任何高管都对成本着迷。考虑到成本往往会引发对行业整合的思考,这就是比特币挖矿如今的情况,正如 Aoyon Ashraf 在 CoinDesk 这篇优秀文章中所解释的那样。正如他所说:“专家表示,随着开采 BTC 的奖励减半,强矿工可能会吃掉弱矿工。”

  • SOLANA 变得热门:

    正如我上周所说,最近的加密货币反弹感觉像是回到了过去的牛市时代,比特币突破了 1,000 美元的大关迅速地。另一个迹象是:利润丰厚的空投。 CoinDesk 的 Danny Nelson 写道:“基于 Solana 的加密货币质押项目 Jito 于周四发布了 JTO 代币,继续将流行代币空投进军新复苏的 Solana 生态系统。”许多人突然获得了价值数千美元的代币。这有助于提升其他基于 Solana 的项目。风险偏好有所增强。


