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Polyhedra Network:你需要了解的有关 Web3、零知识证明和人工智能的一切...

Polyhedra Network:你需要了解的有关 Web3、零知识证明和人工智能的一切...

Cryptonomist 采访了

Polyhedra Network 的 CSO Eric Vreeland,



您能否概述一下 Polyhedra Network 的使命和愿景,特别是在零知识(ZK)证明的背景下,以及您如何看待它改变 web3 和 web2 生态系统?

我们的愿景是通过使用零知识 (ZK) 来大幅提升计算能力和跨平台互操作性。虽然零知识证明 (ZKP) 最广为人知的特点是其隐私特性,但 ZKP 将大型数据集压缩为小型证明的能力具有巨大的潜力,可以彻底改变计算。ZKP 无需验证每个单独的计算或交易,而是可以将它们批量处理,以便验证者可以快速检查它们。这可能会大幅提高 AI 和机器学习等计算密集型应用程序的性能。


到目前为止,零知识应用的最大障碍是底层技术的复杂性以及性能(速度)方面的限制。Polyhedra 继续在 ZK 研究上投入大量资金,并继续突破零知识证明生成速度的极限。我们最新的证明系统 Expander 目前是世界上最快的证明系统,它使零知识应用更加实用。我们现在的重点是让这些高性能证明系统的开发更容易实现,以便任何开发人员都可以利用零知识的优势。

零知识证明如何实现安全、无需信任的交易,以及这些交易对 web3 和 web2 环境中的用户和开发人员的主要好处是什么?


在 web3 中,ZKP 允许卸载计算并最小化链上数据。链上计算成本高昂,处理大部分链下计算可显著降低成本。在 web2 中,零知识可提高数据安全性和隐私性,从而实现信任最小化的交互,而无需中介。

In what ways do ZK proofs contribute to system scalability and operational cost reduction, and can you share specific examples or use cases where these benefits are most apparent?

Zero-knowledge proofs contribute to system scalability and operational cost reduction by enabling efficient verification of large computations and data sets without requiring full access to the underlying information.

This reduces the computational load on primary systems and minimizes data transfer, leading to faster processing times and lower infrastructure costs. Specific examples include zk-rollups in blockchain technology, where numerous transactions are processed off-chain and only a concise proof is verified on-chain, significantly enhancing throughput and reducing gas fees.

In web2 environments, ZKPs are used in privacy-preserving data analysis, allowing companies to perform computations on encrypted data without compromising user privacy, thereby cutting down on the need for extensive data handling and security measures.

What are the key advantages of trustless cross-chain bridges, and how does Polyhedra Network leverage these bridges to enhance interoperability and security across different blockchain networks?

The key advantage is the elimination of additional trust-assumptions or third parties. Alternative bridges most commonly use either a validator network or middle-chain to confirm the state of one chain and relay that to another.

With zero-knowledge this can be eliminated by simply generating a proof of the state of one chain and verifying that proof on the other chain. Removal of these additional trust-assumptions decreases attack surface area and minimizes trust, requiring only trust in the data and consensus of the blockchain itself.

How can the integration of ZK proofs with blockchain technology improve the integrity and reliability of AI models, and what potential applications do you foresee in this intersection of technologies?

Zero-knowledge improves the integrity and reliability of AI models by providing tamper-proof verification that a model’s training processes were performed correctly without exposing the underlying data. This gives end-users confidence that models were built on trustworthy data, improving the user-experience and enhancing credibility in what is commonly a very opaque field.

The tamper-proof aspect of zero-knowledge also significantly reduces the opportunity for fraud. Applications with sensitive data like financial services or healthcare are industries where zero-knowledge could provide an immediate benefit.

Can you discuss some of the recent developments at Polyhedra Network and share any upcoming projects or innovations that you are particularly excited about? What future directions do you envision for the network in the ZK space?

我们是 zkBridge 白皮书的作者,也是最广泛使用的零知识安全桥 www.zkbridge.com 的创建者。我们连接了超过 25 个区块链,并促成了超过 2000 万笔跨链交易。

最近我们正在开发 Proof Cloud,这是一个云端证明平台,可以降低成本并提高证明生成过程的效率。它将在月底向公众开放。

最后,我们已将创纪录的证明系统 Expander 开源。与其他证明系统相比,Expander 的速度要快几个数量级,使用 Expander 的开发人员将看到证明生成速度和成本的惊人改进。

在接下来的 12 个月里,我们计划投入大量资源探索如何将零知识应用于人工智能和机器学习,并推出一系列特定于人工智能的开发工具和应用程序。



