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有哪些常见的加密 P2P 骗局?如何避免?

加密货币点对点 (P2P) 交易最近因其便利性和易用性而受到欢迎。然而,了解与 P2P 转账相关的潜在风险非常重要。我们准备了本指南,以深入了解加密货币交易中常见的 P2P 骗局。我们还将探讨一些基本技巧,以保护自己免受这些欺诈活动的侵害

有人会利用 P2P 转账来欺骗你吗?

是的,诈骗者可以利用 P2P 转账来欺骗毫无戒心的受害者。他们可能采用复杂的策略来操纵交易、虚假陈述付款或冒充信誉良好的平台或个人。通过了解常见的加密 P2P 诈骗,您可以最大限度地降低成为这些欺诈计划受害者的风险。

加密 P2P 诈骗如何运作?

P2P 诈骗利用了点对点交易中固有的信任和匿名性。诈骗者使用各种技术来欺骗个人,并诱骗他们释放资金或敏感信息。了解这些骗局并保持警惕以保护您的资金和数字资产至关重要。

有哪些常见的加密 P2P 骗局?如何识别它们?






1. 在将交易标记为完成之前,请务必检查您的银行账户或电子钱包,以确认收到资金。

2. 如果您的交易对手坚持在确认付款到达之前释放资金,请务必谨慎并保持怀疑。

3. 为避免陷入短信诈骗,请务必直接检查您的银行账户或加密钱包来验证资金是否收到,而不要盲目相信短信的内容。





1. 验证付款详情上的买家姓名是否与 P2P 平台上已验证的姓名相符。

2. 不要接受第三方账户的付款,因为它们存在更高的退款风险。

3. If someone insists on paying via a cheque, consider it a red flag and file an appeal immediately.

Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Scams

In this scam, a fraudster pretends to be a reputable merchant on Binance, KuCoin, Bybit, etc and contacts victims through external channels, such as Telegram, WhatsApp, or social networks. They provide their bank account details and a link to a P2P ad and ask victims to confirm by copying them into the order page’s P2P chat.

Unknowingly, the victim shares the scammer’s bank account details with an unrelated buyer on Crypto P2P Platform, who also has no clue about the scam. The victim releases crypto to the unrelated buyer, who sends their money to the scammer’s bank account instead.

Reversing a transaction or having the customer service team intervene and resolve the issue is impossible in such cases. Since the victim communicated with the fraudster and obtained the details via external communication outside the Crypto Exchange platform, and the funds were transferred to a third-party account unconnected to Crypto Exchange Merchant Crypto Exchange's customer support cannot offer a solution.

To protect yourself from MitM scams, you must:

1.Only communicate within the P2P platform and avoid engaging in transactions outside of it.

2. Remind buyers that third-party transfers violate P2P transaction policies.

3. Double-check the counterparty's bank account details directly on the Crypto Exchange platform.

4. Do not trust offers or information received on external channels when making P2P trades on Crypto Exchange Platform.

Triangle Scams

Triangle scams involve two scammers simultaneously placing orders with the same seller. They exploit the seller's trust and urgency to release funds without proper verification.

Here’s how a triangle P2P scam unfolds:

Scammer A makes an order for 5,000 USDT worth of crypto (order A), and Scammer B makes an order worth 6,000 USDT (order B). Scammer B then transfers 5,000 USDT to the seller.

At the same time, Scammer A marks order A as paid. The seller releases the crypto to Buyer A, thus completing order A for 5,000 USDT. Scammer B sends another 1,000 USDT to the seller, provides the 5,000 USDT payment proof they got from Buyer A, and pressures the seller to release digital assets under order B.

Users who conduct triangle scams aim to pressure the seller to release funds immediately without verifying the transfer. It can be easy to release funds without verifying who initiated the transfer. If you're not careful, you could release the funds twice but only receive half or less of the assets you bought.

To avoid falling victim to triangle scams during P2P trading, you must:

1. Confirm the receipt of all funds from pending P2P transactions before releasing any assets.

2. Be cautious with proof of payment provided by counterparties, as scammers may attempt to reuse them.

Crypto Exchange platform Imposter Scams


他们可能会要求您在 P2P 聊天窗口上分享您的电子邮件地址,声称加密货币交易平台 P2P 托管服务需要此信息来确认付款。然后,他们可能会向您发送类似于官方加密货币交易平台通信的网络钓鱼电子邮件,并诱骗您先释放您的加密货币以接收付款。


1. 加密货币交易平台绝不会要求您通过电子邮件完成 P2P 交易。始终仅在通过 P2P 平台收到付款后才释放资金。

2. 切勿在聊天中分享个人信息或线下联系信息。

3. 确保使用交易对手指定的付款方式提交付款,并且账户上的姓名与加密货币交易平台上交易对手的已验证姓名相符。

4. 对通过非官方渠道获得的外部优惠或信息保持谨慎。



虽然 P2P 交易提供了便利,但了解常见的骗局并采取必要的预防措施来保护自己至关重要。通过了解这些骗局的运作方式并遵循提供的安全提示,您可以最大限度地降低在加密货币市场中成为 P2P 欺诈受害者的风险。

保持警惕,对那些好得令人难以置信的提议持怀疑态度,在释放任何资金或数字资产之前,务必核实交易和付款收据。通过遵循最佳实践,例如在加密货币交易平台的聊天系统内进行交易、仔细检查付款细节以及向客户支持报告可疑行为,您可以最大限度地降低成为 P2P 加密货币诈骗受害者的风险并保护您的投资。


