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Cherish the opportunity for Bitcoin and Ethereum to correct; this callback is just a test, the real

The market started a wave of correction before it was too late.

​Many friends who are full of warehouses are chatting privately about what should I do now? What can be done? You can only resist. Fortunately, this is a bull market. No matter how it falls, what you hold is spot money and it will come back sooner or later.

When the market falls to this level, if you choose to cut the price, you are likely to cut the price at the bottom. If you don't, you will worry about continuing to fall.

Anyone who sees the wealth in their account suddenly lose so much will feel very uncomfortable​.

Thirteen has experienced this feeling countless times, and the strength of this callback is like a flicker of water. If you encounter a big drop like 312, the pain that goes deep into the bone marrow is the real end of the world.

For a period of time, I have asked everyone to be prepared for a correction, both internally and in articles.

I have said countless times that the market may suddenly start to pull back.

This time everyone should have felt the madness in the currency circle. There will never be a market in this world that only rises but never falls. If it rises too much, there will definitely be a correction.

There is no need to panic during this callback, as the space below is very limited.

It is difficult for the market to fall below 62,000 (falling below means directly starting a deep correction).

Basically, at this position, the long positions have been almost cleared.

The bookmaker can go into battle lightly again and start a new round of gains​.

At this time, the most important thing for everyone to do is not to panic, but to take a look at the coins that are usually recommended to everyone in the Thirteen Circles. Now they have reached prices that we once dreamed of buying.

Please feel free to buy lows boldly.

Every correction in the bull market is an excellent opportunity for leeks to get on board, so we must cherish it.


Today I received a lot of individual inquiries from my short position partners.

In fact, it is much easier to allocate stocks now. Bitcoin, Ethereum and several mainstream altcoins are all good opportunities to enter the market.

Although the friends with short positions are very happy now, after all, you are at a huge loss and you have not reaped this wave of profits.

Now it is just a normal correction of the market.

When there is a correction, the lesson is given to investors with full positions, and when it goes up, the lesson is given to investors with short positions.

Both of these investment styles are very bad.

Remember, in the currency circle, you will never be satisfied with your position, and you will never be short. It is very important to flexibly adjust your position according to the market situation.

In this way, you can enjoy the dividends of cryptocurrency development while controlling risks.

In fact, many friends of Thirteen Circle have gradually increased their positions to 70% in the past few days. This was not the original intention of Thirteen Circle, but this round of continuous rise is so crazy.

Unknowingly, the position went up.

However, it can be said that Thirteen Circles has been preparing for a market correction. This time, everyone should feel at ease rather than panic. A drop is our opportunity.

But remember, if the market starts to rebound, then please re-adjust the position.


Is this the end of this round of correction?

Judging from the daily chart, this is just a simple pullback, more like a pin.

Get rid of the high-volume long orders accumulated at 66,000 to clear the way for the subsequent rise.

Thirteen believes that this callback is just a test, and the real callback may be in the next wave.

This wave is just a fake move, with some tentative goals to kill the bulls.

Some people have been emphasizing before that with the support of Wall Street capital, it is impossible for Bitcoin to fall. Now let’s see, will it fall?

These organizations are not philanthropic; they are here to make money and pursue maximizing their own interests.

Retail investors must not think of them too simply. They are the smartest people in the world, and their control of human nature can be said to be extremely good.

Let the market go crazy first, and then continue to go crazy, so that retail investors can strengthen their confidence that the market will definitely rise.

Then start the callback at an unprepared time point, such as today.

Today is just a small attempt. The market has been filled with disasters, and the once bustling community has suddenly become quiet.

After losing money, no one has the heart to brag. They will just squat in the corner and draw circles silently.

However, as I said before, the room for dips in this market is very limited, up to 62,000. We can just buy the bottom in an orderly manner at our own pace.


What everyone is most confused about now is at what time, at what price, and at what pace should I buy the bottom?

It's not that difficult.

You can focus on Ethereum and L2-related currencies as the main target of this dip. This track should be the most favorable, but it has been falling instead of rising.

The longer it is suppressed, the more terrifying it will be when it breaks out in the future.

Taking Ethereum as an example, the range of 3600~37000 is a good bargain hunting opportunity. This is our first bargain hunting range.

3400~3500+ is the second bottom-buying range.

You can divide your cash position into about 20 parts, and you can buy the bottom every 50 points.

What if you have fired all the bullets and have no funds to buy the bottom?

Thirteen recommends that you delete the app directly and wait for the market to pick up.

Returning to real life, the market price returned within a few days.

This is a bull market and it is impossible to trap us. What you fear most is that you are helpless and confused in the ups and downs of the market, and if you lose your chips, even the gods can't save you.


Finally, let me emphasize again that every such correction in the bull market is a gift from God.

If the market keeps rising, it is actually very unhealthy.

Take your fist back so you can punch it out more quickly.

Of course, this wave of market prices may not be a real correction and washout. Bitcoin's rising momentum has not been broken. This time we bought a lot of chips at the bottom, and we must gradually reduce our positions after the market goes back up.

Maintain a reasonable position range, around 60%.

Hold some extra cash on hand and wait for the next real correction. Now everyone is still waiting and watching, and hasn't started wailing yet.

Next time, many people will cry.

I hope that when you read this article, you will only have a smile on your face and no tears.

Come on, currency circle people,

Welcome to follow: minus thirteen degrees

Travel through the bulls and bears together, and see through the world of the currency circle.


