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“人工智能扰乱了加密货币早间新闻” 2024/2/29

1. 可以关注机会

  • PenPad发起代币PEN上线活动并开放任务积分系统

  • Morpho已开始对“分配90,000 MORPHO发展ezETH/WETH市场”提案进行投票

  • 派克金融推出PIU计划,用户通过充值资产、借贷即可获得PIU代币

  • DWF Labs推出场外交易平台Liquid Markets

  • Jupiter LFG Launchpad 投票将于下周开始

  • Solv Protocol 推出新版 App 和新的 Native Yield 资产




  • MerlinSwap --- Dexes (Merlin, 1092万)

  • RealT RMM Marketplace V2 --- 借贷(xDai,51万)

  • KaleidoCube --- Dexes(多链,2万)

  • 电压V3 --- Dexes(保险丝,17万)





  • 跨链交互协议Axelar(AXL)与Ripple达成合作,推动RWA代币化业务发展

  • Marginfi:YBX预计3月中下旬主网上线

  • 加密货币借贷平台 Ledn 推出 ETH 抵押贷款服务,准备接受前摄氏度用户

  • 机构流动性质押项目Dexponent获得Arbitrum基金会资助

  • 唯链:推出VeBetterDAO,引入治理代币和激励代币

  • 比特币质押协议 Babylon 推出 Babylon 测试网

3. 宏

  • 比特币ETF日交易量再创新高,达到26亿美元

  • 贝莱德:现货比特币ETF IBIT持仓价值已超80亿美元

  • 数据:加密货币市值突破2.3万亿美元

  • 以太坊流动性再质押协议 TVL 超过 46 亿美元

  • Kaiko:上周AI代币交易量创历史新高130亿美元

  • Greeks.Live研究员:本次牛市是典型的现货牛市,IV数据显示比特币期权市场已经成熟


  • BlockFi 从 Kraken 提取 3,853 ETH,相当于约 1255 万美元

  • 昨日,神秘地址“100先生”再次增持约520BTC。

  • 与以太坊基金会相关的地址向 Kraken 存入 4,000 ETH

  • 某鲸鱼2小时前从币安提取了1500万枚OM,价值370万美元。

  • 一名交易员花费 1250 万 DAI 购买 219 WBTC

  • 某地址近4个月浮动盈利超过600万美元,其中LINK浮动盈利285.09万美元。

  • 三周前建仓的巨鲸向 FalconX 存入了 2,400 ETH,相当于约 802 万美元。

  • FortressTrust 今天转移 1226.49 万 GALA

  • VanEck相关地址从Binance提取了100万个XAI并转移到0x6523开头的地址

  • 疑似Abraxas Capital地址从CEX提取了1,302 WBTC

  • Amber Group相关地址从币安提取了13,800 ETH,相当于约4490万美元

6. 行业


NFT & GameFi & SocialFi & DID & DAO & 内容创建

  • Web3娱乐公司Gala推出DEX GalaSwap

  • 将在 Blur 和 OpenSea 以及更多非版税强制交易所上屏蔽的 Yuga 系列列表。

  • VanEck 推出 NFT 市场和数字资产平台 SegMint

  • Starknet:NFT链游Influence公测已上线

  • Lens Protocol announces lifting of licensing restrictions, allowing all users public access

  • Web3 cross-chain gaming platform Portal will launch PORTAL staking

b. Exchange/Wallet

  • Coinbase responds to outage: Some users may see zero balances, but user funds are safe

c. Public chain/L2

  • XAI: More than $30 million in XAI has been pledged

  • BounceBit will launch testnet on March 8

  • On-chain gaming marathon Arbitrum Arcade will launch on March 11

  • Obol Network: Distributed Validator Protocol Development Roadmap

  • COTI: Plans to launch Ethereum Layer 2 development network COTI V2 Devnet in the second quarter of this year

  • Ethereum L2 network Mint Blockchain launches Mint Testnet

  • Polygon zkEVM prepares for Ethereum Dencun upgrade and plans to significantly reduce fees through EIP-4844

  • Risk management L2 network Karak enters the early access stage of the main network

  • Tezos is about to launch tzBTC 2.0

  • SingularityNET announces 2024 decentralized AI platform strategy and roadmap

  • Venom Network will launch mainnet on March 18th

d. Investment and financing

  • Liquidity re-hypothecation protocol ether.fi announces completion of $27 million in financing

  • Backpack completes US$17 million in strategic financing at a valuation of US$120 million, led by Placeholder

  • Blockchain game infrastructure company READYgg completed US$4 million in financing, with participation from Delphi Digital and others

  • PredX announced the completion of a Pre-seed round of financing, led by Penrose Tech and participated by Malana ventures

  • Humanity Protocol completes strategic investment financing from 20 institutions including Hashed

  • BounceBit completes US$6 million in seed round financing, co-led by Blockchain Capital and Breyer Capital

  • STP announces acquisition of Web3 social application Sonet

e. Supervision

  • The U.S. SEC seeks to extend the deadline for defense briefings in the Ripple case to March 22

  • U.S. Senator Warren calls for a level playing field for cryptocurrencies and restrictions on large companies creating AI models

  • Hong Kong Financial Secretary: The Hong Kong Monetary Authority will launch a "sandbox" to test stablecoins in the short term

  • Nigeria’s Central Bank Governor: Untraceable funds worth $26 billion flowed through Binance Nigeria last year

  • Hong Kong Financial Secretary: Digital RMB will expand pilot scope in Hong Kong

  • HashKey OTC receives in-principle approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore for a major payment institution license

  • Nigeria detains two Binance executives in crackdown on cryptocurrencies

  • Monetary Authority of Singapore adds crypto-related companies Zico Global Pro Station and BKEX to investor alert list


  • Spreek: There is a suspected approval loophole in the Seneca protocol, and ETH/ARB lost more than $3 million

  • The anti-capital hacker organization capital killer attacked the a16z official website and claimed that it would lead the AVAV community to sweep away the crypto circle capital

g. Others

  • Telegram通过TON区块链实现近100个国家的广告收益分享,采用50:50分割且仅使用Toncoin,股价暴涨近40%

  • 比特币支付应用 Strike 推出 Strike Africa,将服务扩展到非洲

  • 币安通过新的 VIP 计划吸引非加密货币交易者

  • 知情人士:字节跳动正在秘密研发多模态数字人等多项AI产品

  • 矿业公司Riot Platforms斥资9740万美元采购31500台神马矿机

  • 加密货币托管公司 Finoa 提供 Centrifuge 的 Anemoy 代币化国库基金

  • 知情人:SBF与狱警分享加密市场投资建议并建议投资SOL

  • 区块链证券投资平台 Dinari 在 Arbitrum 上推出 4 种新的 dShare 资产

  • 加密游戏分析公司 Helika 将为育碧首款原创 NFT 游戏提供服务

7. 工具

8. 意见

  • TD Cowen:MicroStrategy 的比特币策略可以为股东增加价值

  • OKX Ventures Benson:以太坊仍然是我们的投资重点之一

  • 故事协议:从可编程代币到可编程IP

  • 重新定义社交网络格局:Lens Protocol 和 Farcaster 有何异同?

  • 观点:Gnosis DAO 相对于其资产和运营而言被低估

  • Tether首席执行官:更多基金经理将把比特币添加到他们的投资组合中

  • 钱包赛道现状概览:技术类型、运营模式及未来前景

  • Kakarot:为什么 L2 需要另一个 zkEVM

  • 今年以来,已有20余款区块链游戏融资总额达1亿美元。


  • 0xScope:138家AI加密公司融资总额超过12.4亿美元

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