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查看 nuco.cloud:SKYNET 的无限计算能力



例如,当谈到亚马逊网络服务 (AWS) 时,消费者需要了解复杂的定价、陡峭的学习曲线和安全义务。


正是在这种背景下,nuco.cloud SKYNET 发挥了作用,提供了更高的安全性、可访问性和有效性。

它是同类产品中的第一个,是一种去中心化的网格超大规模器,可为您提供无与伦比的计算能力,并且比业内其他主要品牌(例如 Amazon Web Services)便宜高达 70%。








nuco.cloud 使用的独特方法创建了世界上第一个去中心化网格超大规模器,称为“nuco.cloud SKYNET”。


更详细地了解 nuco.cloud SKYNET

nuco.cloud PRO 的强大基础设施提供了专业数据中心未使用的计算能力,而 nuco.cloud GO 的创新分布式技术将这些数据中心连接到网状网络中,都是 nuco.cloud SKYNET 的组成部分。

nuco.cloud SKYNET 汇集了这两种技术的最佳功能。



In addition to this, nuco.cloud SKYNET is equipped with features that allow you to choose your preferences, and it even prioritizes the use of renewable energy sources. Because the platform is adaptable and has the capability to dynamically alter resources to match your precise computing requirements, it guarantees that you will achieve efficiency without wasting any resources. Consequently, it is a dream come true for companies who are searching for solutions that are scalable. In order to differentiate itself from the competition, nuco.cloud SKYNET utilizes advanced distribution technology to ensure efficient use of processing power.

In addition, in contrast to typical hyperscalers, which store data on faraway servers that are managed by third parties, businesses that use the nuco.cloud network are guaranteed that the data will stay in the possession of the person who owns it. Users are able to maintain ownership and control of their data thanks to this feature. The solution complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union and assists businesses in adhering to data sovereignty requirements.

In what ways might nuco.cloud SKYNET be beneficial to one?

The cost-effective solution provided by nuco.cloud SKYNET is helping to revolutionize the manner in which we think about and make use of computer resources. The computational capacity that is made available by nuco.cloud SKYNET is going to be of tremendous use to artificial intelligence initiatives, the number of which is fast growing.

When it comes to the era of big data, processing power is of the utmost importance, and this is precisely what nuco.cloud SKYNET delivers to the table: the computing capabilities that are required for performing complicated data analysis activities.

Not to mention, cloud rendering, which is used for the creation of high-quality films or 3D models, becomes more cost-effective and efficient with nuco.cloud SKYNET. This platform may also be of substantial assistance to scientific research by offering the computational capacity required for sophisticated simulations and data processing.

The nuco.cloud SKYNET mainnet is scheduled for launch in 2024. A strong solution that is scalable, cost-effective, and user-friendly is provided by the platform, which is a tribute to the developments that have been made in cloud computing. In addition to its potential uses in artificial intelligence (which is expected to reach $1,345.2 billion by 2030 with a compound annual growth rate of 36.8%), data analysis, scientific research, and video rendering, it also demonstrates its adaptability and the huge influence it might have across a variety of sectors. The nuco.cloud GO testnet is now operational, and it is providing us with crucial insights about the future of decentralized computing power. This is happening while we are waiting for the mainnet launch of SKYNET.


