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克雷格·赖特 (Craig Wright) 的清算日来到英国法院——他真的发明了比特币吗?

计算机科学家克雷格·赖特 (Craig Wright) 博士声称自己是比特币的难以捉摸的创造者,化名中本聪 (Satoshi Nakamoto)。


克雷格·赖特 (Craig Wright) 于 2016 年首次公开宣布与中本聪有关联,引发了加密货币社区的争议。


克雷格·赖特(Craig Wright)证明比特币发明的最终努力

一场关乎比特币BTC未来的重大审判将于2月5日开始。英国高等法院将裁决澳大利亚计算机科学家克雷格·怀特(Craig Wright)是否是比特币的化名创造者中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)。



自 2016 年以来,赖特在没有提供证据的情况下声称自己是中本聪。




他做到了。#COPAvWright pic.twitter.com/veeQ5maebJ

— 亚伦·范·维尔杜姆 (@AaronvanW) 2024 年 2 月 5 日

根据法庭文件,COPA 索赔于 2021 年 4 月开始,旨在“寻求(有效)声明 Wright 博士不是中本聪”。


尽管 Wright 提起过各种法庭案件,但 COPA 索赔至关重要,因为它关注的是身份问题。

1 月 24 日,就在审判前几天,赖特向 COPA 和所有其他相关方提出了和解方案。

他的计划是结束 COPA 索赔和其他三项索赔。





COPA 在一份后续声明中表示


更重要的是,和解协议要求 COPA 接受 Wright 的 Satoshiness。

Hard pass on that "settlement."Just like Craig Wright forges documents and doesn't quite tell the truth, his description of the settlement offer isn't quite accurate either – it comes with loopholes that would allow him to sue people all over again.

— COPA (@opencryptoorg) January 24, 2024

So, what’s the truth?

According to COPA and other experts, there are several forgeries among the elements presented by Wright as proof. “The sheer number of file date alterations, impossible claims of files from 2007 being created from software only available in 2014, blaming (undocumented) advice from prior lawyers, etc. is unprecedented – this person is troubled,” law and intellectual property expert J Nicholas Gross wrote on X.

So Wright must not only address these concerns but also better support his Satoshi claim. The trial is likely to run at least four weeks, however, it may take longer to prove or reject Wright’s claim.

Nakamoto published Bitcoin’s foundation text, Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, on October 31, 2008. Nakamoto then exchanged emails with the currency’s early adopters before disappearing in 2011.

Speculation regarding Nakamoto’s true identity has persisted ever since, including a failed unmasking by Newsweek in 2014.

Wright informed a Norwegian court in 2022 that he had destroyed the computer hard drive that would have allowed him to access the keys. The bitcoin market is now worth approximately $830 billion (£657 billion).

The crypto community is keen to see how all this pans out. One user on X writes “We are all Satoshi, except Craig Wright. I hope COPA absolutely destroy him in court this week. It’s time.” Another user adds:

Craig Wright in 2008:“I am a lawyer and this is my area of speciality.”2009: “I am not a Lawyer”2020: “Prove it in court, you get to send me to jail for 20 years”2024: COPA trial: Craig Wright submits more “evidence” to prove it in court2024: post trial… more excuses pic.twitter.com/SIoslrtzrr

— Another dude️ (@TheDude_v2) January 30, 2024

With both skepticism and support surrounding his assertions, the UK High Court is tasked with examining the evidence and making a decisive ruling on whether Craig Wright can substantiate his assertion of being Satoshi Nakamoto, the enigmatic figure behind the creation of Bitcoin.

This complex legal battle raises crucial questions about the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto and the legitimacy of Wright’s claims, highlighting the intersection of technology, law, and the evolving landscape of crypto.



