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哪些加密货币将在 2024 年起飞?7 种值得关注的有前途的山寨币

加密市场总是在寻找下一个大事件——那些可以带来 10 倍甚至 100 倍回报的隐藏宝石山寨币。

在本文中,我们重点介绍了 7 种被低估的山寨币,它们具有强大的基本面和实用性,有可能在 2024 年爆发。


Sponge V2 ($SPONGEV2) - 下一个主要 Meme 硬币复兴

最初的 Sponge 代币在 2023 年实现了飞速增长,市值从 100 万美元飙升至巅峰时期的 1 亿美元以上。

现在,Sponge V2 ($SPONGEV2) 看起来准备遵循类似的轨迹,并在 2024 年成为下一个主要的模因币复兴。

人们对海绵宝宝主题代币的热情显然持续存在,V2 合约中已经有价值超过 430 万美元的资产。

SPONGE 不举办典型的预售 - 相反,用户必须抵押 V1 版本才能获得新的 V2 代币。

这种独特的质押系统有助于巩固向 V2 的过渡,同时奖励忠实的社区成员。

那些希望参与 Sponge V2 重新发布的人有两个简单的选择。

第一种方式是直接通过 Sponge.vip 网站的购买小部件购买 Sponge V1 代币。

只需点击几下鼠标即可立即质押新获得的 V1 代币,从而确保持有者获得等量的即将推出的 V2 代币。

第二种方法是获取任何现有的 V1 资产,并通过 Sponge.vip 平台上的质押门户手动质押它们。

无论哪种方式,都可以有效地抵押 Sponge V1,以开始产生回报,以期待利润丰厚的 Sponge V2 发布。

质押的 V1 代币越多,V2 奖励就越大。

除此之外,Sponge 团队正在构建一个完整的边玩边赚钱的赛车虚拟宇宙。



随着 meme 币热潮依然火爆,创新功能即将出现,SPONGEV2 具备了实现 2024 年首次 100 倍回报的所有要素。现在可能是在下一次抛物线运行之前在 Sponge.vip 上质押 SPONGEV1 的最佳时机。

立即购买并质押 $SPONGEV2

Bitcoin Minetrix ($BTCMTX) - 创新的比特币挖矿

Bitcoin Minetrix 被誉为高效、用户友好的代币化云挖矿平台,注重安全性和透明度。

利用 MetaMask 等兼容钱包,用户可以轻松获取和质押 BTCMTX 代币以参与生态系统。

Cloud mining has often been associated with fraud, but Bitcoin Minetrix allows users to earn real Bitcoin mining rewards just by staking tokens. This innovative protocol opens up Bitcoin mining to a much wider audience beyond those running expensive mining rigs.

Here's how it works - BTCMTX stakers generate "mining credits" granting them access to cloud mining power. This enables token holders to passively earn BTC without having to personally operate any equipment. Through cloud mining, anyone can get exposure to Bitcoin mining rewards.

In addition to BTC mining proceeds, BTCMTX provides staking yields up to 111% APY. Stakers can earn attractive crypto income through both Bitcoin mining as well as staking rewards.

Bitcoin Minetrix is currently midway through a heavily oversubscribed presale raising almost $9 million so far. With presale fundraising still ongoing toward a $15 million soft cap, Bitcoin Minetrix remains in early stages - giving prospective investors plenty of time to get in on the ground level before the platform goes live later this year.

With exchange listings and expanded mining infrastructure on the 2024 roadmap, BTCMTX offers strong utility and earnings potential as the project continues rapid growth.


Meme Kombat ($MK) - The Best Meme Coin to Buy Now

The presale for Meme Kombat has raised over $6.9 million so far, prompting predictions of 10x returns post-launch. Traders can still buy the $MK token for $0.279 ahead of a $10 million hard cap.

This platform uniquely fuses active crypto betting with passive staking to offer multiple ways for users to earn, appealing especially to gamers. The meme-based concept adds viral potential.

Gameplay centers around Player vs Player battles, Player vs Game battles involving odds and probabilities, and In-Play waging where users bet on real-time match events. As the roster of 11 meme fighter characters expands, the battles will become more diverse.

Beyond gaming utility, $MK has notable tokenomics. As users gamble using $MK, platform activity directly drives token demand. A staking system also incentivizes holding by enabling investors to compound returns. Over 29 million $MK have already been staked, earning 5.7 million in rewards so far.

Token allocation is 50% to presale, 10% liquidity, 30% staking/rewards, and 10% community initiatives. This focus on community rewards will amplify organic growth and brand awareness.

While bringing modern innovations, Meme Kombat retains the viral meme coin appeal that can spark the next major breakout. $MK offers strong utility and earning potential as both a gaming platform and digital asset.

Buy $MK Now

Chainlink ($LINK) - The Leading Blockchain Oracle Network

Chainlink price remains in an uptrend after bouncing from support at $11.80. LINK currently trades around $15.90, with bullish momentum signals suggesting a retest of $17.00 resistance next.

After the recent bounce, momentum indicators reflect building bullish conditions. The MACD histogram shows increasing upside traction that could propel Chainlink back toward $17.00 resistance.

Momentum is currently mixed overall, with the MACD line crossing above the signal line in bullish fashion, but the RSI hovering at neutral levels around 50. Still, the technical backdrop appears to favor further gains for LINK in the near-term.

Crypto analyst Ali spots surging demand in the $14.8 to $15.2 zone, where 17,650 addresses acquired over 85 million $LINK. With limited overhead resistance, Chainlink looks positioned to push toward $20.

As a leading decentralized oracle network, Chainlink enables blockchains to securely interact with real-world data and events. This functionality allows complex smart contracts to execute based on reliable off-chain information.

With its dominant position as the leading decentralized oracle network, Chainlink boasts a robust underlying foundation supporting substantial price appreciation. Considering LINK remains over 50% away from its all-time high, hitting $52 appears well within reach given the project's continual development and real-world adoption.

However, the avid Chainlink community expects even greater highs considering its pivotal role in enabling universally connected smart contracts. As blockchain adoption accelerates, the need for reliable data feeds and off-chain connectivity will only increase over time – suggesting LINK’s utility has significant room to expand. Strong on-chain signals and community optimism point to considerable open-ended upside potential for this top crypto bluechip.

Wicrypt ($WNT) - Decentralized Mobile Internet Sharing

With a current market cap around $12 million, Wicrypt (WNT) is a small-cap cryptocurrency that could still deliver 100x returns in 2024. WNT is trading for just $0.047 at the time of writing, presenting an optimal entry point.

A current RSI of 53 indicates Wicrypt is neither overbought nor oversold at this point. This is considered a relatively neutral RSI level reflecting the coin's recent consolidation. However, the indicator is starting to trend upwards, demonstrating gathering bullish momentum.

Source: TradingView

Wicrypt operates as a decentralized network enabling users to share and monetize mobile internet connectivity. The platform essentially serves as a virtual Internet Service Provider, free from centralized control. Users gain more autonomy over managing their own data.

The protocol facilitates end-to-end encryption of user data while also handling usage billing and payments. Compatible router "micro nodes" run Wicrypt firmware to create local WiFi zones that devices can connect to.

By acquiring one of these supported routers and installing the custom OS, anyone can set up a Wicrypt hotspot. Nearby mobile phones, laptops, PCs and other WiFi-enabled devices can then access the internet through these community-run access points.

Decentralization eliminates dependence on traditional ISPs while introducing new avenues for participants to earn from sharing bandwidth. As Web3 adoption amplifies, platforms like Wicrypt that disrupt legacy models will continue gaining traction.

Render Token ($RNDR) - GPU Power Sharing for Creators

Render Token (RNDR) powers the Render Network, a peer-to-peer marketplace where GPU resource providers and creators can exchange value. Node operators earn RNDR for contributing spare computational capacity for rendering projects. This allows creators access to GPU power for enhanced speed and lower costs.

Launched in 2017, Render Network utilizes blockchain to coordinate an open market for visual effects, machine learning and broader computational tasks beyond basic rendering. There is a capped supply of 536 million RNDR tokens that facilitate transactions on the network.

Source: TradingView

After surging over 600% in 2023, RNDR price could see similar outstanding returns this year according to analysts. It currently trades around $4.10, nearing resistance at $4.60 which aligns with the 4.236 Fib extension level.

The 200-day moving average sits at $2.40, suggesting RNDR remains in a clear decisive uptrend doubling this benchmark over the past 200 days.

The RSI reading of 64 shows bullish momentum with some room left before overbought territory. Meanwhile, the rising MACD histogram and moving averages signal ongoing buying pressure likely to propel prices higher.

NEAR Protocol ($NEAR) – Developer-Friendly Cloud Computing Platform

NEAR Protocol stands out as a developer and user-friendly layer-1 blockchain tailored for cloud computing. It eliminates limitations around transaction speeds, throughput and interoperability that have hindered alternative networks. This provides an ideal foundation for deploying DApps.

For example, NEAR utilizes human-readable account names rather than complex crypto addresses. It also implements unique scaling solutions and a proprietary “Doomslug” consensus mechanism.

From a technical standpoint, NEAR price surged over 300% in Q4 2023 before consolidating around the $3.30 level after peaking at $4.30. Major resistance sits at $4.90, aligned with the 2.618 Fib extension on its chart.

Source: TradingView

Despite pulling back recently, NEAR trades well above its 200-day moving average of $1.70 after this parabolic move. It indicates the asset remains in a decisive long-term uptrend. Additionally, the RSI of 54 shows some remaining bullish momentum before becoming technically overbought.

As a developer-centric layer-1 blockchain prioritizing usability, NEAR has tremendous long-term growth potential as adoption of decentralized applications accelerates. Its focus on delivering a scalable, secure and consumer-friendly platform for cloud computing positions it as an appealing foundation for the next generation of DApps.

如果 NEAR 能够继续获得开发人员的关注并成为首要的 DApp 中心,其企业级功能可能会推动其跻身十大加密项目之列。


凭借强劲的基本面和表明进一步上涨的技术信号,这七种山寨币有望在 2024 年大放异彩。强大的加密货币牛市往往会催生新的主导项目,这些项目注定会取得长期成功。


所介绍的七种山寨币在 2024 年都具有良好的上涨潜力。Sponge V2 可以像其前身一样,利用模因币浪潮带来巨大的投资回报率。

Bitcoin Minetrix 通过云质押使加密货币挖矿奖励民主化。

Meme Kombat 将游戏和模因融合在一起,形成病毒式传播组合。

Chainlink 仍然是黄金标准的预言机解决方案,作为实现通用区块链连接的核心基础设施。

Wicrypt 让用户共享移动数据并从中获利,从而颠覆了集中式 ISP。

Render Token 利用 GPU 功率共享来帮助创作者构建 Web3 项目。

NEAR 协议为下一代基于云的 dApp 提供了理想的用户友好平台。

凭借独特的价值主张和忠诚的社区,这些山寨币有望在 2024/2025 年牛市中创造巨大的财富创造机会。


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