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Insider Makes $550K Profit with $878 ETH Investment in 8 Hours - SEO optimized标题.

  • ETH IN
  • 2024-01-18 22:35:13
  • 174
In less than 8 hours, an insider made ~$550K with only 0.34 $ETH ($878)!This insider spent 0.34 $ETH($878) to buy 80M $FERRET with 5 new wallets within one second of $FERRET opening trading. Then sold 11.8M $FERRET for 21 $ETH($54K). He currently holds 68.2M $FERRET, which is worth ~$497K at the current price.This insider appears to be related to the deployer.We noticed that both Insider: 0x5b52 and the deployer transferred $FERRET to Wallet: 0xE510. Address:etherscan.io/address/0x75ba…Insider Makes 0K Profit with 8 ETH Investment in 8 Hours - SEO optimized标题.



