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2024 年解锁财富:加密货币顶级被动收入回报率高达 18%





现实世界资产 (RWA)

Landshare ($LAND):将房地产代币化为产生收益的资产,Landshare 的 RWA 代币 ($LSRWA) 代币提供了被动收入的机会,提供 10-15% 的年回报率。

因此,首席执行官拉里·芬克 (Larry Fink)



因此,2024 年对于整个 Landshare 和 RWA 社区来说将是重要的一年。


2024 年解锁财富:加密货币顶级被动收入回报率高达 18%

值得注意的是,Landshare 实现了以下里程碑:

- 成功出售 BNB 链上的三处房产。

- 推出 RWA 代币,在过去几周内实现了 200% 的惊人增长。

- 与其他缺乏有形资产的高估项目相比,作为一个具有实际房地产销售的独特项目脱颖而出——未来几个月在 Big Cex 上市的巨大潜力。

- 强调多元化、被动收入、安全性(SAFU)和监管,提供无风险、无波动的投资。


Landshare 已与许多区块链合作,其中一个例子是其最近与 Chainlink 的集成,这使其智能合约能够持续存储房产的最新价格,确保实时准确性并进一步缩小 RWA 与真实价格之间的差距。区块链




什么是 Xai ($XAI)?

2024 年解锁财富:加密货币顶级被动收入回报率高达 18%

Xai is the first layer-3 blockchain specifically created for AAA gaming. By leveraging Arbitrum Technology, Xai focuses on simplicity and user experience, eliminating the complexities of wallet management and making blockchain integration an unnoticed part of the gaming ecosystem. Thus, it enables billions of traditional gamers to own and trade valuable in-game items quickly and easily. Developed by Offchain Labs and overseen by the Xai Foundation, the chain introduces a novel approach to blockchain gaming by establishing a fully decentralized ecosystem that fosters trust and transparency.How Xai (XAI) WorksThe Xai blockchain addresses the challenges prevalent in blockchain gaming. Tailored for gaming, it offers traditional gamers an abstraction wallet (a special type of crypto wallet that allows users to have more security and flexibility over their wallets, e.g., batching transactions, paying gas fees in any chosen tokens, etc.) while maintaining a robust relationship between developers and users. Developers benefit from increased gas and contract limits, fostering a decentralized ecosystem built on trust.Xai (XAI) distinguishes itself asa gaming-focused “layer-3” network, functioning on Arbitrum Bridge , a layer-2 scaling network for Ethereum. Users earn up to 30% Per annum in rewards SENTRY NODESSentry Nodes play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the Xai network. These observation nodes monitor the Xai rollup protocol, raising alarms if an incorrect block is proposed. Operating on laptops, desktops, or cloud instances, Sentry Nodes contribute to network security and stand to receive rewards in esXai tokens through a probabilistic algorithm.° Morpheus.Network($MNW):

2024 年解锁财富:加密货币顶级被动收入回报率高达 18%

Morpheus.network is a supply chain SAAS middleware platform seamlessly integrating legacy and emerging technologies (e.g., blockchain, IoT, RFID, etc.). The market capitalization of MNW is around $52 million, and it is currently trading at $1.11. MNW provides companies with shipment and item visibility FOR optimizing and automating safe and secure supply chains, saving time and money.Offering middleware solutions for global supply chains, The network provides a lucrative master node program with an 18% annual reward for holders. The Morpheus Network is a decentralized utility network with 2150 nodes in circulation, operated by individuals across the globe.


While the crypto market offers immense potentials, it is uttermost important to conduct thorough research and make informed decisions. The opportunities mentioned here present diverse ways to generate passive income, but each comes with its own risks. Always prioritize your financial goals and risk tolerance.



