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2024 年值得关注的新加密货币:加密货币叙事可能会爆炸

探索 2024 年新加密货币的潜力,观察并发现可能在即将到来的牛市中蓬勃发展的故事。

比特币 (BTC) 在过去 12 个月内上涨了 150% 以上。

据贝莱德称,全行业对现货比特币 ETF 的预期以及数万亿美元的观望投资者资本为 2024 年加密货币市场增添了有趣的牛市周期理论。

去中心化金融 (defi) 的锁定总价值 (TVL) 也有所增长,从 2023 年初的约 380 亿美元增至 2023 年临近时的超过 540 亿美元。

尽管实现了这一飞跃,Defi 的 TVL 仍比 2021 年创下的每个 DefiLlama 1790 亿美元的峰值低几个水平。

2024 年值得关注的新加密货币:加密货币叙事可能会爆炸

DEFI 领域的 TVL |


这意味着随着散户和机构投资者涌回数字资产市场,2024 年推出的新加密货币可能会受益于巨大的流动性和关注度。

区块链活动的复苏也可能表明新的加密货币正准备进入市场,加入超过 9,000 种现有虚拟货币的行列。


我们选择这些项目是因为它们已经建立了社区,从信誉良好的风险投资 (VC) 筹集了数百万美元的资金,吸引了数千至数百万的追随者,并且大多数项目都已确认其 2024 年代币发行计划。

零层 (ZRO)

LayerZero 由 LayerZero Labs 于 2021 年 9 月推出,是一种跨链消息传递协议,允许开发人员构建跨多个去中心化网络运行的应用程序。


多个协议都是基于 LayerZero 的技术构建的,包括 Stargate Finance 和 Radiant Capital,它们的总 TVL 超过 6 亿美元。

LayerZero 还在几轮融资中筹集了约 2.5 亿美元,目前的市场估值为 30 亿美元,这激发了社区对代币发行和早期采用者奖励的乐观情绪。


总部位于温哥华的全链协议宣布计划在 2024 年上半年推出 ZRO 代币。由于 LayerZero 得到了 Andreessen Horowitz (a16z)、Circle 等一些最大的以加密货币为中心的投资公司的支持,因此空投也包含在推出策略中。 Ventures、OKX Ventures 和红杉资本。

您可能还喜欢:LayerZero 计划在 2024 年上半年推出原生代币

此外,作为该领域的先行者可以使 LayerZero 相对于其他项目和跨链消息生态系统中出现的新加密货币具有优势。

LayerZero has always been built with the ability to have a native token within the protocol, as can be seen in the immutable code launched on day 1. We’ve heard the community discussion over the last few months and the lack of clear communication around this. We’ll state now in…

— LayerZero Labs (@LayerZero_Labs) December 7, 2023

zkSync Era

zkSync is an Ethereum-based scaling solution built on zero-knowledge technology. The blockchain infrastructure, commonly called rollups, executes transactions off Ethereum’s (ETH) mainnet to ease network congestion and offer cheaper gas fees.

This particular layer-2 network was launched in February 2023 by Matter Labs, which has raised $458 million. $200 million out of that raise is earmarked for zkSync adoption. While the project has not officially announced when its token might be listed, a price page on CoinMarketCap added to speculation of an upcoming launch.

zkSync’s over $500 million TVL and funding positions the L2 network as one of the major new cryptocurrencies that could debut in 2024. The protocol also commands a 3.3% market share among L2s, behind only Coinbase’s Base, Optimism, and Arbitrum per l2beat.

You might also like: Ethereum’s zkSync Era reaches $500m in TVL

StarkNet (STRK)

Another new digital currency to watch out for is StarkNet’s STRK coin, which already has a token contract deployed on Ethereum’s blockchain. Israeli-based blockchain firm StarkWare Industries launched the layer-2 network in February 2022 and has since attracted $36.85 million in TVL.

2024 年值得关注的新加密货币:加密货币叙事可能会爆炸 Starknet TVL | Source: DefiLlama

In December, StarkNet announced a large token distribution program and incentives to push adoption. This confirmed the network’s intention to launch a native token, an event expected by April 2024.

Furthermore, StarkNet’s plan to disburse over 1.8 million STRK coins could incentivize interest in the token, possibly earning it a place as a new listing coin on tier 1 exchanges.

You might also like: StarkNet token soars after deployment on Ethereum

Hot narratives for new cryptos to watch

While the above three tokens fall under the L2 category, typically attracting hundreds of millions in trading volume after launching new cryptocurrencies, new crypto coins will likely emerge in a basket of sectors, giving buyers and investors opportunities to select from.

Identifying narratives during market cycles is a key skill needed to optimize capital and secure gains. Here are three narratives you should be looking at to find new crypto projects.

Real World assets (RWAs)

RWAs exist by adding digital versions of traditional financial instruments like real estate onto a blockchain network. The process is called tokenization and is regarded as one of the primary crypto technology use cases.

This industry has also grown in recent months, climbing over a $2 billion market cap, per Coingecko.

Crypto AI

加密货币和人工智能之间的交叉点已经演变成一个价值 90 亿美元的数字资产生态系统,由于围绕人工智能和区块链资产的讨论不断增加,该生态系统有望实现更大的增长。

2024 年值得关注的新加密货币:加密货币叙事可能会爆炸



2023 年,排名前五的加密 AI 代币的涨幅均超过 500%,将这一类别视为寻找新加密货币的黄金地段。

您可能还喜欢:加密货币和人工智能:这两个行业将如何在 2024 年出现


全球区块链游戏场景呈上升趋势,预计到 2030 年市场规模将达到 6140 亿美元。Web3 用户还认为,总体而言,20% 的游戏会在某种程度上采用区块链,此举可能会带来数十亿美元的投资进入gamefi。

Coingecko 将 gamefi 总市值定为 180 亿美元,如果区块链游戏行业达到预期,这将为新的加密货币留下指数级增长和空间。




其中一些工具包括 Coingecko、CoinMarketCap、Dextools、Dexscreener、DefiLlama、Dune Analytics、Etherscan 和 TradingView。

这些平台大多数都是免费使用的,而其他平台则提供带有附加功能的付费版本,以帮助用户寻找新的加密货币来观看以及哪些新的加密货币可能会在 2024 年爆发。



Ark Invest 的 Cathie Wood 表示,可能推出的现货比特币 ETF 也巩固了机构需求并起到了背书的作用。


另外,在制定要观察的新加密货币时,不要忘记 DYOR(进行您自己的研究)。

了解更多:加密行业已准备好迎来牛市,预计比特币 2024 年将达到 10 万美元





