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加密货币企业家:2023 年的最大赢家和输家

2023 年,加密货币领域的杰出人物走上了不同的道路,为生态系统的许多起起落落做出了贡献。


以下是 2023 年加密货币领域的一些最大赢家和最大输家。


在充满不确定性和机会的环境下,众多加密货币企业家证明了自己是坚韧的先驱者,塑造了 2023 年的叙事,同时为 2024 年奠定了基础。


Ripple 可能不是每个人都喜欢,但该公司首席执行官布拉德·加林豪斯 (Brad Garlinghouse) 今年在针对美国证券交易委员会的一系列法律诉讼中取得了胜利,赢得了更广泛的加密社区的喜爱。

在城里时不得不在 @SECGov 大楼前拍照。

(如果你想知道……不,Gensler 主席没有邀请我们参加)pic.twitter.com/qfbfU7PrGQ

- 布拉德·加林豪斯 (@bgarlinghouse) 2023 年 9 月 19 日

今年 7 月,瑞波币 (Ripple) 赢得了一项针对监管机构的重要裁决,认定瑞波币 (XRP) 代币不违反证券法。


美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 继续追究 Ripple 公司所欠的超过 7.7 亿美元的罚款。



Yuga Labs 是今年在法庭上大获全胜的另一家公司。

今年 4 月,一名法官在 Yuga Labs 与 Ryder Ripps 和 Jeremy Cahen 的长期争执中做出了有利于 Yuga Labs 的裁决,后者声称 Yuga Labs 的 Bored Ape Yacht Club 非同质代币 (NFT) 是种族主义和反犹太主义的,然后又复制了这些代币NFT 将它们冒充为自己的作品。

不用说,法院对 Ripps 和 Cahan 的恶搞行为持悲观态度,命令两人向 Yuga Labs 支付 157 万美元的损害赔偿金和律师费。

这些法律费用的具体金额尚未确定,但 Yuga Labs 想要 790 万美元。



该足球队由比特币 (BTC) 播客 Peter McCormack 拥有,他的目标是将俱乐部带入英超联赛。

我们加冕联赛冠军的赛季最后一场主场比赛的一些照片。我们的观众人数达到创纪录的 327 人,比上赛季的 50-80 人有所增加。



— Peter McCormack‍️ (@PeterMcCormack) 2023 年 4 月 16 日


皇家贝德福德的橙色条带上印有比特币,并拥有众多加密货币赞助商,包括 Compass Mining 和 Gemini。


Between bankruptcies, fraud cases, copyright violations and everything else, one group of individuals profited handsomely at every step: crypto lawyers. In January 2023, legal firm Sullivan & Cromwell had 150 people working on the FTX case alone, including 30 partners billing at upward of $2,000 an hour. If you want to know what winning big looks like, cast a glance at the crypto lawyers.


Some of the most trusted and well-liked crypto entrepreneurs faced varied degrees of legal troubles for various allegations, ranging from misappropriation of investors’ funds to enabling cross-border routes for money laundering.

Changpeng Zhao

Did Changpeng “CZ” Zhao win or lose in 2023? It’s a matter of perspective. On the one hand, the U.S. Department of Justice forced the Binance chief to step down and personally pay a $50 million fine after he pleaded guilty to failing to adequately prevent money laundering.

Recent:India takes steps to block Binance, Huobi, other global crypto exchange URLs

Additionally, Binance had to pay a fine of $4.3 billion, the largest settlement in the history of the Treasury Department. For all these reasons, it would appear that CZ lost big in 2023.

Today, I stepped down as CEO of Binance. Admittedly, it was not easy to let go emotionally. But I know it is the right thing to do. I made mistakes, and I must take responsibility. This is best for our community, for Binance, and for myself.Binance is no longer a baby. It is…

— CZ BNB (@cz_binance) November 21, 2023

On the other hand, however, there is the not-insignificant point that CZ may be able to avoid a prison sentence for the crimes he is accused of. If that is indeed the case, CZ may count himself a lucky man. With ample money, time and resources on his side, CZ could yet turn everything around once more.

Perhaps that’s not quite enough to call this year a victory, but it is, perhaps, an acceptable loss.

Jesse Powell

In further regulatory shenanigans, Jesse Powell’s Kraken settled with the SEC in February. The U.S.-based crypto exchange paid $30 million, leading the Kraken co-founder to falsely believe its regulatory worries were behind it.

The SEC then filed another complaint against Kraken in November, arguing the firm operated as an unregistered national securities exchange, broker and clearing house. That enraged Powell, who wrote on X (formerly Twitter): “Message is clear: $30m buys you about 10 months before the SEC comes around to extort you again.”

Message is clear: $30m buys you about 10 months before the SEC comes around to extort you again. Lawyers can do a lot with $30m but the SEC knows that a real fight will likely cost $100m+, and valuable time. If you can't afford it, get your crypto company out of the US warzone.

— Jesse Powell (@jespow) November 21, 2023

While Powell’s righteous anger was something to behold, there now seems little doubt that paying the fine did not dissuade the SEC from further action

Do Kwon

Terraform Labs 联合创始人 Do Kwon 也加入了今年的失败者名单,他于 3 月份在黑山被捕,并于 6 月份被判犯有伪造官方文件罪。


由于 Terra 生态系统及其 TerraUSD (UST) 稳定币价值数十亿美元的崩溃,美国和韩国都试图引渡 Kwon。


11 月,FTX 前首席执行官 Sam Bankman-Fried 被判犯有欺诈 FTX 客户罪。

班克曼-弗里德(Bankman-Fried),或者更广为人知的名字“SBF”,现在面临最高 110 年的监禁。

(一些分析师认为他只会做 20 到 30 左右。)

SBF 的定罪标志着加密货币历史上最严重的失宠之一。

这位交易所大亨的财富一度达到 160 亿美元。

今天,它接近 0 美元。

1) 什么

- SBF (@SBF_FTX) 2022 年 11 月 14 日

毫无疑问,2023 年加密货币最大的输家是 SBF。

至于量刑,要到 2024 年 3 月才会进行。

杂志:2023 年关于加密货币的 10 篇最佳长读物



