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随着 2024 年大牛市的到来,追随者们正密切关注加密货币市场的下一个重大事件。

在数千个选项中,有两个项目作为 2024 年顶级加密货币而受到关注:Memeinator 和 Avalanche。

深入了解为什么这两个项目预计将在 2024 年飙升,以及哪个项目可以带来最大的收益。



Memeinator 亲眼目睹了这个反乌托邦的未来。

回到 2077 年,迷因币像病毒一样传播,它肩负着一项重要使命:引导加密货币的进程回到正轨,并消除市场上这些漫无目的的模仿者和毫无价值的代币。

为了完成这项艰巨的任务,Memeinator 并不是单打独斗。


这个社区可能代表了加密货币有史以来最重大的抵抗运动,挑战了市场的结构,并使 Memeinator 成为 2024 年顶级加密货币之一。

通过这一共同愿景和集体努力,Memeinator 正在向明星迈进,目标是达到 10 亿美元的市值。

它已经有了一个良好的开端:Memeinator 在预售仅 14 周后就筹集了超过 280 万美元。

Memeinator 的多方面增长战略

Memeinator 的战略围绕两个关键要素:实用性和社区。

Memeinator 不仅仅依赖于病毒式的吸引力或劣质的营销策略,它的强大功能可以为其用户增加真正的价值。

以 Meme Warfare 游戏为例,它与不断增长的 GameFi 趋势齐头并进。

在这款游戏中,玩家扮演 Memeinator 的角色来摧毁竞争对手的 Meme 硬币,由 AI 驱动的“Memescanner”赋予生命。


MMTR 代币以 45% 的年利率提供丰厚的质押奖励。

一个有趣的、尚未揭晓的 NFT 项目又增添了一层兴奋感,而通货紧缩的代币经济确保了代币的价值为长期增长做好了准备。

Token distribution is similarly strategically planned. Over 15% of Memeinator’s 1 billion token supply is dedicated to marketing, capitalizing on its catchy 90s action film theme for massive brand visibility. Development isn’t left behind, with 10%+ of tokens fueling ongoing updates and ensuring Memeinator remains a step ahead in the crypto race.

Perhaps most excitingly, 7.5% of the supply is earmarked for a competition pool, headlined by an out-of-this-world prize: a $250k trip to space with Virgin Galactic.

Through these compelling features, Memeinator is quickly amassing a grassroots following of dedicated supporters. Long-term, Memeinator plans to launch onto the world’s largest exchanges, further propelling its growth and cementing its place as one of the top cryptos in 2024.

Memeinator price outlook for 2024

Memeinator (MMTR) is currently priced at $0.0186 in stage 11 of the 20-stage presale. The presale was originally planned to span 29 stages, a nod to Terminator’s Judgment Day, but the team was excited to start increasing scarcity and implemented a burn of more than 129 million MMTR tokens in early December.With a presale conclusion price of $0.0292, this value might seem modest, but it’s teeming with potential, and according to Bankless Times, it is a top coin to infuse in. The enthusiastic response to its presale and groundbreaking approach suggest that Memeinator could be significantly undervalued.

As the market gears up for a likely bull run next year, Memeinator is quickly shaping up to be one of the top cryptos 2024 offers. If Memeinator can reach its goal of a $1 billion market cap in 2024—which Pepe Coin smashed past earlier this year—MMTR would be worth a remarkable $1 per token, translating to an astonishing 3,300% increase from its final presale price.

What is Avalanche?

Avalanche, one of the top cryptos of 2024, has recently been ablaze. Known for its high-speed and efficient technology, bullish Avalanche developments have boosted its AVAX token, which has climbed almost 250% since the start of November. Notable collaborations with giants like JPMorgan and Apollo in the real-world tokenization space have been a primary driver of this growth.

But Avalanche’s blockchain is also experiencing a significant increase in activity, with a record-breaking $2 billion in transactions in a week at the end of November, the highest in a year. Moreover, it saw $79 million in net inflows in Q3 and $56 million in Q4 2023, demonstrating the growing excitement around Avalanche. These developments could signal a lucrative year for AVAX holders in 2024.

Avalanche price outlook for 2024

目前价值 39.30 美元,在 2023 年取得的成就的支持下,AVAX 已做好了明年显着增长的准备。凭借关键合作和网络活动增加所带来的动力,AVAX 的价值可能会增加一倍甚至三倍,成为 2024 年顶级加密货币之一然而,虽然这些收益是显着的,但与 Memeinator 预测的爆炸性回报相比,它们显得相形见绌。

2024 年顶级加密货币:Memeinator 还是 Avalanche?

随着加密货币市场为 2024 年的巨大发展做好准备,这两个项目脱颖而出。

Avalanche 凭借其令人印象深刻的技术和强大的机构合作,预计将跑赢市场,而 Memeinator 则以其改变游戏规则的愿景抢尽风头。

MMTR 预售的每个阶段都比上一个阶段卖得更快,“FOMO”现象严重加剧。

预售中还剩下 66% 的收益可供利用,早期支持者可能会获得丰厚的回报——不仅是在预售中,而且在整个 2024 年。Avalanche 提供了可靠的投资,但 Memeinator 承诺将带来一段令人兴奋的旅程,可以写入加密历史书。

不要错过 2024 年最热门的加密货币之一。

要购买 Memeinator (MMTR),请访问

Memeinator 官方网站

免责声明:这是一篇赞助文章,其中的观点并不代表 ZyCrypto 的观点,也不应归因于 ZyCrypto。




