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[海伦]人工智能和机器学习如何帮助 NFT 市场打击洗钱交易和假冒行为

[海伦]人工智能和机器学习如何帮助 NFT 市场打击洗钱交易和假冒行为


清洗交易者抬高 NFT 价格

首先,清洗交易仍然是最重要的问题之一,给 NFT 培养创造力和转变数字所有权的潜力蒙上了阴影。

清洗交易是指投资者同时买卖 NFT 以制造大量交易量的假象,从而抬高代币价格并最终将其卖得更高的欺骗行为。

与传统加密货币不同,NFT 不是一个流动性市场,这使得不道德的行为者更容易人为地夸大交易量。

2023 年初,NFT 分析提供商 BitsCrunch 和 Cointelegraph Research 发布的一份题为《2022 年 BitsCrunch NFT 清洗交易报告》的联合报告显示,2022 年 NFT 清洗交易活动激增 25 倍,达到约 330 亿美元。

这意味着 2022 年以太坊区块链上交易的 NFT 总额 540 亿美元中有一半以上与清洗交易有关。

[海伦]人工智能和机器学习如何帮助 NFT 市场打击洗钱交易和假冒行为

2022 年,以太坊上交易的 540 亿美元 NFT 中有一半以上来自清洗交易。

资料来源:Cointelegraph Research x bitsCrunch

2023 年 2 月,NFT 数据聚合商 CryptoSlam 发现,Blur 上价值约 5.77 亿美元的 NFT 涉嫌洗牌交易,Blur 目前是交易量第二大的 NFT 市场。

假冒 NFT 稀释了原创作品的价值

NFT 市场的另一个主要挑战是假冒或抄袭 NFT 的普遍存在。

NFT 有两个组成部分:技术方面代表在区块链上具有唯一标识符的资产,以及可以轻松复制的数字表示。

2023 年 10 月,加州联邦法官命令一名概念艺术家向 Yuga Labs 支付约 150 万美元的赔偿金,因为该艺术家复制了 Bored Ape Yacht Club 收藏中的 NFT 并从中获利。

虽然主要的 NFT 收藏有更多的可能性来打击假冒 NFT,但不太受欢迎的数字艺术家和创作者却面临着风险。


真实性被吹捧为 NFT 领域的基石,但它受到虚假艺术的严重损害。

虚假交易和伪造 NFT 这两个挑战导致 NFT 市场内信任和感知价值的重大损失。

许多潜在用户仍然持怀疑态度,这阻碍了 NFT 的主流采用。

因此,NFT 领域错失了吸引更广泛用户群的机会,这对于其长期可持续性和超越利基市场的升级至关重要。

人工智能和机器学习如何改善 NFT 市场?

Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can help to address the main challenges in the NFT market. AI is not only a helpful technology to support creativity and deliver unique digital art, but it also meets the need for better analytics and insight.

AI and ML can take on-chain analysis to a new level, helping the market detect wash trading deals in real time and identify fake NFTs.

Leveraging AI to combat wash trading and fake NFTs

BitsCrunch, an AI-powered NFT analytics platform, combats wash trading to help traders with fair price discovery and developers with reliable NFT decentralized applications (DApps) development. Its wash trading index utilizes AI and ML to detect suspicious trading patterns in real time, safeguarding investors from manipulated market prices and facilitating informed investment decisions.

The index provides a comprehensive overview of wash trading activity across various blockchains, marketplaces, and NFT collections, enabling market analysts and participants to gain valuable insights into the true state of the market. This data empowers informed decision-making, allowing users to discern genuine market trends from artificially inflated volume.

For investors, the wash trading index serves as a crucial tool for assessing the legitimacy of trading activities. By analyzing the index, investors can identify NFT collections with high incidences of wash trading, potentially indicating inflated prices or deceptive marketing practices.

[海伦]人工智能和机器学习如何帮助 NFT 市场打击洗钱交易和假冒行为

Source: bitsCrunch

Developers and NFT investors can also use other bitsCrunch’s AI-powered tools for many use cases, including:

  • Analytics — blockchain and NFT analytics projects have access to the most comprehensive NFT database. bitsCrunch also offers the largest repository of ERC-20 historical data available.
  • Fraud detection — bitsCrunch offers fraud detection and alerting mechanisms, helping users detect suspicious trading and set up alerts and notifications.
  • Lending — NFT lending tools can use bitsCrunch for accurate collateralization based on data-driven insights.
  • Price discovery — Insights on pricing trends can help digital artists price their NFTs appropriately.
  • Audience engagement — marketing teams can use bitsCrunch data on buyer preferences and behaviors to improve community engagement strategies.

[海伦]人工智能和机器学习如何帮助 NFT 市场打击洗钱交易和假冒行为

Source: bitsCrunch

What sets bitsCrunch apart from other data tools is that it uses a community-driven approach, being a fully decentralized network. Saravanan Jaichandaran, co-founder of bitsCrunch, explained:

“Our network is not just a concept. Its vibrant ecosystem empowers users and developers through permissionless participation, meaning anyone can join and contribute without centralized approval, and community-driven growth. The platform grows with its community by continuously adding new features and use cases.”

该生态系统由 BitsCrunch 的原生代币 BCUT 提供支持,它在维护网络完整性方面发挥着重要作用。

通过为市场参与者提供对交易活动真实性的清晰洞察,bitsCrunch 有助于打造一个更安全的 NFT 环境,让投资者可以充满信心和信任地进行交易。


