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"Even the poorest person, in his small house, dares to defy the authority of the king. The house may be dilapidated, the roof may be falling apart, but the wind and rain can enter, the king cannot enter, and his thousands of troops dare not cross the threshold of this broken house."

Inherent Data Rights

The statement "the king cannot enter" clearly demonstrates a universal value, that private property rights are a right protected by the state. Since the beginning of the commercial era of the Internet in 1995, people have been constantly creating data online. With internet giants proclaiming that data is the new oil, we have entered the era of data. China has classified data as one of the five key production factors alongside land, labor, capital, and technology.

Data has become the cornerstone of new economic development. Cloud computing, big data, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, internet advertising, smart cities, and other applications in our daily lives are undoubtedly supported by vast and continuous amounts of data. It is predicted that by 2020, global data volume will reach 50ZB (1ZB = 10^21 bytes), with revenue exceeding 50 billion US dollars and maintaining a compound growth



