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[穗(穗网络)]PFPs in a world of hope

Brian 和 Ben Li 兄弟都对艺术充满热情。



Studio Mirai一起探索 Web3 技术与创意产业之间的交叉点。

Tamachi 是 Studio Mirai 的第一个个人资料图片 (PFP​​) 项目,存在于

Nozomi World

中,这是一个丰富的虚构世界,旨在为该公司正在开发的所有三个 PFP 系列提供迷人的背景故事。

除了为团队提供一种有趣的方式来进行产品研发之外,这些 PFP 系列还帮助 Studio Mirai 在 NFT 领域创建了一个高度参与的社区,并为推出未来的项目奠定了基础。

Tamachi是Studio Mirai的第一个NFT项目,让团队探索区块链技术的可能性。

其旗舰产品 Coda 目前正在开发中,旨在通过一个平台来震撼音乐行业,通过区块链驱动的工具拉近艺术家和粉丝的距离。

Coda 是一个雄心勃勃的愿景。

大约八年前,当兄弟俩推出 Studio Mirai 时,占主导地位的区块链技术无法胜任将其变为现实的任务。


Studio Mirai 的首席技术官

Brian Li说。


在最初在一条链上启动并在另一条链上进行试验后,李决定将整个操作转移到 Sui。

“在 Sui 上,我们能够想象一些东西,然后用代码捕获它,”他说。

[穗(穗网络)]PFPs in a world of hope

Studio Mirai 使用 Sui 找到了许多工具来使其 NFT 项目更具吸引力。

Studio Mirai 最大的游戏规则改变者是

Sui 基于对象的数据模型

虽然大多数区块链都使用基于账户的模型,这是他们专注于加密货币的遗产,但 Sui 却有着根本的不同。

在计算环境中,一切都表达为对象,并且一个对象可以拥有另一个对象,Sui 为开发人员提供了更多的自由。

“On other chains, there was no way to build an object,” said Li. “There was a standard, which could make it seem like you’re building an object, but at the core, you’re not. And it was just very difficult to get around that.”

But the object-based model isn’t the only Sui technology benefiting Studio Mirai. Fast path transactions, shared objects for account abstraction, transfer to object, onchain hashing, dynamic NFTs, and zkLogin all contribute to Studio Mirai’s projects.

“We’re pretty much using every feature available to us,” said Li.

When Studio Mirai decided to launch their PFP collections, they wanted to have more than just the usual set of complementary pictures. So one team member wrote a story, based in the fictional city of Nozomi (meaning “hope” in Japanese), to give depth and meaning to the characters they illustrated.

[穗(穗网络)]PFPs in a world of hope

Leveraging Sui's dynamic NFT technology, Studio Mirai developed NFTs that can be upgraded from black and white to color.

Studio Mirai offers three PFP collections, all linked to the world of Nozomi. Tamashi, the original collection, consists of 100 one-of-one PFPs, which was released on another chain and will be migrating to Sui this year. Prime Machin, the team’s first dynamic collection to be launched on Sui, will be minting early this year. The manga-inspired Prime Machin collection leverages several Sui technologies in innovative ways, such as fast path transactions, transfer to object, and storage rebates for storing 4K full-resolution images onchain. In addition, Sui’s dynamic NFT capabilities will allow images in this collection to transform from black and white to color. Enforcer Machin, the next dynamic collection on Sui, will leverage object composability to allow swappable traits and real-time 3D rendering.

An even more ambitious project is Coda, a music platform Studio Mirai hopes will bring some of the power back to artists and deepen connections between musicians and their fans.

“We feel like blockchain has a lot of potential to solve many things,” said Li. “I think blockchain is most useful in situations where there’s an imbalance of power. And the music world is perhaps the best example of this.”

“I think blockchain is most useful in situations where there’s an imbalance of power. And the music world is perhaps the best example of this.”

Li cites the expense of making music in the last century as the source of many problems that still persist in the industry today. Because studio time and equipment, record pressings, promotion, and touring were so expensive, musicians had little control. They had to work with a large company to get their music made and sold.

“In that kind of environment, it’s very easy for these large companies to abuse their power,” said Li. “So people get bad deals, payments are slow, concert tickets are very expensive. And the power lies with the entities between the artists and the fans."

“Blockchain is a technology that could potentially change that,” he added. “Now we have a permissionless system that can act as that thing in between them. That was really the inspiration for this platform.”

And while the team conceived of the Coda platform years prior, they were forced to shelve development on it when existing blockchains couldn’t support their model. It wasn’t until they stumbled upon Sui in 2022 that they realized what was finally possible.

“I dug into the docs and saw the ability to create custom types that actually live in a wallet instead of just in a contract, the ability to customize the permissions aspect of the object itself,” said Li. “I told my brother ‘This is exactly what we need to build what we want.’”

The team envisions Coda as a platform that can connect musicians and fans in three ways: publishing and selling albums, selling concert tickets, and giving artists more direct insight into their fans.

Coda will allow artists to persist their records and accept payments through Sui.

Coda will allow artists to persist their records and accept payments through Sui. This design lets artists set their own album prices and helps avoid the often inscrutable, slow payment process associated with modern streaming platforms.

An NFT-based ticketing platform would allow artists to sell tickets to their live shows. Artists could specify how much their tickets are sold for both on the primary market and the secondary market, a move designed to address the scalping problem. Sui's Kiosk primitive lets Studio Mirai build in the logic where artists can set both the primary and secondary prices. In addition, dynamic NFTs as tickets can change their visual aspect once they've been redeemed for entry to a show.

“Now, once a new show goes up, bots will buy up tickets and scalpers will then try to sell them for two or three times the original price,” said Li. “That’s not good for the fans. It’s only good for the scalpers and the marketplace, which answers to their shareholders.”

Finally, the team is working to give artists insight into their fans. Li cites the frustrations of artists who have no way to know who is attending their live shows, streaming their songs, or buying their merch. They want the platform to give artists a way to find engaged fans and send them a discount on an upcoming show or album, for example, while not disclosing any specific information about those fans. Using Sui, Studio Mirai can send any number of digital promotional items to accounts that redeemed NFT-based concert tickets.

Although moving their Nozomi PFPs and Coda over to Sui took effort, the team was pleasantly surprised at how quickly they were able to get up and running. Li anticipated a six- to eight-week ramp-up time. Instead, once he got to work, he was able to begin deploying on Sui within 12 hours. And the move has enabled them to actually start building a platform that meets their grand vision.

“Sui 可能是唯一适合构建消费者应用程序的连锁店,”李说。

“这几乎完全是因为 Sui 具有可编程事务块,您可以将一堆不同的操作捆绑到一个包中,该包可以立即提交,然后作为一件事进行处理。”


Sui 允许他们在单个可编程交易中创建完整的标记化记录,而其他不支持此功能的链将需要时间等待每个后续块。

“因此,即使区块时间很快,在 Sui 上可能需要半秒的交互最终可能会在不同的链上花费 10 秒,”Li 说。


以 Sui 为基础,Studio Mirai 将继续突破创意艺术的界限。


