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从 2024 年 2 月 1 日开始,Hedera 测试网环境将进行两项更新:面向开发人员的新匿名水龙头和对 Hedera 门户的更改。这些更新的目标是增强开发者体验并优化资源分配,体现对开发者社区的持续承诺和 Hedera 网络的高效管理。

该水龙头使开发人员能够每 24 小时匿名收集最多 100 个测试网 HBAR。用户只需输入其 Hedera 测试网帐户的 ID 或 EVM 地址即可接收测试代币​​。这一变化特别旨在简化在 Hedera 网络上构建和测试应用程序的过程,为开发人员提供更顺畅、更高效的启动。对于具有在其他网络上进行开发的经验的人员来说,此工作流程也可能很熟悉。

通过 Hedera 门户创建的 Hedera 测试网帐户的充值流程也在发生变化。现在,每日自动分配为 1,000 个测试网 HBAR,并每 24 小时手动请求补充(单击按钮)。该金额将来可能会进行调整。

此更改可确保 2 月 1 日之后以及后续每次测试网重置后,所有 Hedera Portal 账户的初始余额为 1,000 个测试网 HBAR。仅当用户单击从 Hedera 门户请求更多测试代币或发生季度测试网重置时,账户最多可充值 1,000 个测试网 HBAR。 24 小时内只能提出 1 次充值请求。

此外,还可以从 Hedera 门户获取个人访问令牌(通常称为 API 密钥)。这些 API 密钥有助于在测试网和预览网重置后以编程方式重新创建帐户并查询帐户 ID 信息。

这些变化是由网络应用程序构建者生态系统中确定的反馈和需求驱动的。目标是不断改善 Hedera 的开发体验,确保 Hedera 测试网资源高效、公平地分配,最大限度地减少潜在的干扰并最大限度地提高所有用户的效用。

Reduced Friction: The new anonymous faucet significantly lowers the entry barrier for developers, providing fast and easy access to testnet HBAR, and the API keys eliminate the need to manually recreate accounts after resets. With these changes developers can start building and testing more quickly on Hedera - whether it’s their first time or after a reset.

More Privacy: Aligning with the practices in the public blockchain space, the new faucet eliminates the need for personal information disclosure, providing more privacy for devs.

Efficient Use of Resources: The adjustments in testnet HBAR allocation and the manual refill for Portal accounts are designed to encourage responsible usage of shared resources. This will help maintain the stability and functionality of the public test networks while reducing disruptions for all testers.

Network Growth and Innovation: Improving both the developer experience and privacy will attract new builders to the Hedera ecosystem. This is a great way to encourage growth and innovation in our network.

Continue Testing Extensively: The new allocation and refill process enable developers to keep testing their applications extensively. Hedera offers low USD-fixed transaction costs, and the HBAR token is highly divisible (100,000,000 tħ = 1ħ). This means that, on average, you can execute thousands of transactions and try many test cases in a 24-hour period. For more details, be sure to review the documentation on Transactions and Query Fees and HBAR Denominations and Abbreviations.

Faster Start and More Privacy: The faucet is a major step towards better developer privacy and making the Hedera Testnet more accessible to a wider range of developers, including those familiar with the concept of faucets from other decentralized networks. Be sure to check out the Getting Started documentation for details on working with the faucet.

Starting February 1, 2024, a new testnet faucet enables developers to anonymously collect up to 100 testnet HBAR every 24 hours. Also, the allocation of testnet HBAR for Hedera Portal accounts is now 1,000 tokens every 24 hours with a manual button click. Finally, developers can now re-create accounts and query account ID information programmatically after testnet and previewnet resets using their Hedera Portal API keys.

These changes to the Hedera testing environment reflect the commitment to providing a developer-friendly, efficient, and robust platform for developing decentralized applications. It is exciting to see the positive impact these updates will have on the developer journey and on the Hedera ecosystem.

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