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2017 年,印度尼西亚央行(BI)禁止加密货币支付。这次事件塑造了印度尼西亚加密货币的历史。此举引发了安全性、波动性和立法监管方面的担忧,以及政府对加密货币可能扰乱金融体系的担忧。


一年后,即 2019 年 2 月,Bappebti 发布了比特币交易所交易指南,加强了加密货币监管。

2024 年,印度尼西亚的加密货币格局

OJK 和印度尼西亚银行正在将加密货币生态系统转向印度尼西亚。这些机构帮助创建一个优先考虑投资者安全、透明度和保护的加密货币监管环境。

该国的几项主要法律管辖着加密货币交易和投资。监管结构依赖于这些法律。 Bappebti 条例第 8/2021 号经 2022 年第 13 号修改,制定了全面的商品交易所加密资产交易指南。

该立法包括 2023 年第 4 号 Bappebti 法规,该法规扩大了可交易加密资产的范围,并使加密货币市场更具包容性。

2023 年第 4 号法律《金融综合法》对现有立法进行了补充。 Bappebti 的监管管辖权对于该法案至关重要,将移交给 OJK。到2025年1月12日,OJK将采取更加统一的监管策略。这一修改对监管影响很大。


Bank Indonesia and the Financial Services Authority, also referred to as OJK in the local community, are the two primary authorities in Indonesia that are in charge of overseeing and governing cryptocurrencies. The financial and banking sectors of the country, particularly the rapidly growing cryptocurrency business, are being significantly influenced by these entities through their crucial role.

Bank Indonesia

In its capacity as the nation's central bank, the Bank of India (BI) is accountable for the macro-supervision of the banking and financial services businesses. It is responsible for overseeing both prudential and conduct oversight, and its scope of authority extends to the regulation of monetary policy and payment system services.

This includes a considerable duty for supervising key payment system providers such as Visa and Mastercard, with the goal of ensuring the stability and integrity of Indonesia's monetary and financial landscapes.

Regulatory Body for Financial Services

Many financial institutions are directly monitored and regulated by OJK. It was created in 2011 from BI’s supervision activities. This change was made to protect financial services customers and ensure that banks, insurers, investment firms, and non-bank financial organizations are heavily regulated by the government. Beyond regular corporations, OJK now regulates fintech companies, particularly peer-to-peer lenders.

OJK examines microeconomic aspects and market conduct, while BI’s examines macroeconomic elements and financial system health. They work together to provide a comprehensive regulatory framework that protects consumers and investors and fosters a stable, transparent, and inclusive financial system.

The legal status of cryptocurrencies in Indonesia has assumed a clear shape, with digital assets being officially recognized as commodities. This is a significant development. By establishing a systematic regulatory framework for the trading of cryptocurrencies on futures exchanges, the Bappebti has legitimized cryptocurrencies and established a key classification for them.

Due diligence on the part of the customer

In order to comply with Indonesian rules, businesses that deal with cryptocurrencies are required to collect and authenticate consumer information while also assessing the risks that are connected with the process.

The procedure for obtaining a cryptocurrency license and the compliance requirements in Indonesia

In mid-July 2023, Bappebti granted licenses to cryptocurrency asset futures exchanges, futures clearing houses for guaranteeing and settling cryptocurrency physical market deals, and cryptocurrency asset storage managers. This was vital to institutionalizing crypto asset transactions in the country's financial sector.

要在印度尼西亚开展业务,加密货币公司必须通过严格的许可流程。该方法评估平台的运营、财务和安全框架。 Bappebti 要求加密资产期货交易所拥有大量实收资本,并遵循严格的股权要求,以应对 OJK 监管。这通过只允许实力雄厚的运营和金融企业参与市场来保护投资者。



印尼加密货币交易所必须征收 PPh 和增值税。在交易时,交易所会预扣这些税费。用户出售或交换加密货币并在收到收益之前纳税。了解加密货币损失不能抵消其他利润。


2024 年 2 月,印度尼西亚加密货币市场增长至 19.2 亿美元。这一增长表明印度尼西亚人对加密货币的兴趣日益浓厚,并建议进行监管改革以鼓励这种兴趣。

OJK 将塑造未来的金融创新。从 2025 年 1 月开始,OJK 法律将涵盖加密货币。这一明智的行动表明当局承认加密货币的快速增长和不断变化的商业实践。




