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洛根的言论表明,她是预计 2024 年降息两次或更少的决策者之一。在政府数据显示美国 3 月份非农就业人数创近一年来最大增幅、同时失业率下降数小时后,她发表了讲话。

演讲结束后,洛根在与杜克大学教授、前美联储高级顾问艾伦·米德的问答环节中表示,“目前还没有紧迫感。” “现在有时间等待,看看有什么数据出来,看看金融状况如何演变。需要明确的是,主要风险不是通胀可能上升——尽管货币政策制定者必须保持警惕——而是通胀可能停滞并无法按照预测及时回到2%。”

除了通胀数据外,洛根表示,她担心货币政策对经济的拖累可能不会像大多数预测所暗示的那么大。这可能意味着所谓的中性利率——既不减缓也不刺激经济增长的利率——将会更高。 “越来越多的经济和金融证据表明,长期中性利率可能已经上升,”她说。




“While this is not my base view, I continue to see a risk that, at future meetings, we may need to raise our policy rate further if progress on inflation stalls or even reverses. Lowering our policy rate too soon or too quickly could result in a rebound in inflation, leading to the need to raise interest rates further in the future to return inflation to 2% over the longer run,” she said in a speech prepared for a group of Fed watchers in New York.

Bowman, a permanent voting member of the interest rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee, has taken a more hawkish tone in her public speeches since taking the job in late 2018, suggesting she favors a more aggressive stance to keep inflation in check.

Bowman said she still believes the most likely outcome is that “rate cuts will eventually be appropriate,” but noted that “we are not there yet” because “I still see some upside risks to inflation.”

Bowman also noted that it is "very likely" that the neutral interest rate will be higher than it was before the pandemic. "If that is the case, fewer rate cuts will ultimately be appropriate to return our monetary policy stance to a neutral level."

Overall, Fed officials have been increasingly hawkish this week, including Fed Chairman Powell, who has indicated a cautious approach to rate cuts. Atlanta Fed President Bostic said on Wednesday that he expects only one rate cut this year, in the fourth quarter. Minneapolis Fed President Kashkari said that if inflation stops cooling and the economy remains strong, there may be no need to cut rates.

The article is forwarded from: Jinshi Data



