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Have you heard of the three black swans who once made Liangxi earn tens of millions a month, but mad

Smart people often smell opportunities when the market falls, while the vast majority of investors can only feel panic during a plunge. Many people were forced to deliver food due to heavy losses. Only a handful of people chose to go to the rooftop, and a small number of people successfully counterattacked through short selling. And more investors have gradually grown from novices to experienced veterans.

This is experience, the three famous black swans in the history of the currency circle, and the days when countless old leeks were timid and lost their faith. 9.4, 3.12, 519.


September 4, 2017 was the lowest day in the Chinese currency circle. ICOs were banned, projects were liquidated, digital currency exchanges were shut down, people fled overseas, and the market collapsed instantly. Most currencies fell by more than 50% in one day. Thinking about it now, I still feel scared. In the following three months, Bitcoin took all major mainstream currencies to its historical peak. Only a small number of people held on to 94, and in the end their assets increased more than ten times.

2. Looking back at the biggest black swan in the 312 currency circle, 90% of people liquidated their positions on that day

Unexpected drop on March 8, 2020

On March 8, 2020, the market was supposed to be full of spring, but suddenly things changed. The price of Ethereum (ETH) plummeted from $250 to $210, a drop of 17%; Bitcoin (BTC) also fell from $9,200 to $8,300, a drop of 17%. Investors, who were originally full of expectations, suddenly became uneasy.

The following March 9, the US stock market announced its first circuit breaker, and the market fell into panic again. The price of ETH continued to decline, falling from $210 to $190, a drop of 10%; BTC was not immune, falling from $8,400 to $7,700, a drop of 8%. Two consecutive days of sharp declines have allowed the winners to rejoice, and most air forces have chosen to close their positions and leave the market.

After two consecutive days of sharp declines, the market entered a sideways consolidation phase from March 10 to 11. Many investors believe that the risk has temporarily passed, and some have even begun to try to open long operations. However, the vagaries of the market are always elusive.

On March 12, the market plunged again. The price of ETH plummeted from $1,500 in the bull market to $150, a staggering drop. 99% of investors believed this was an opportunity to buy the bottom, and opened long positions one after another. However, the huge plunge that night caused by the outbreak caught everyone off guard. The U.S. stock market crashed for the second time, and the price of ETH plummeted from $190 to $120, a drop of 37%; BTC also fell from $8,000 to $5,500, a drop of 31%. Altcoins have fallen nearly ten times. This kind of black swan event is unheard of in the currency circle.

Faced with such a tragic plunge, many people have despaired. They believe that the currency circle has come to an end and there will never be a market again. The entire industry fell into pessimism, and many people even chose to liquidate their positions and leave the market.

Just when the market seemed to be in chaos, on March 13, 2020, some people who firmly believed that the currency circle would rebound began to try to buy the bottom. They scraped together funds here and there, hoping to seize this rare opportunity.

However, market fluctuations are always elusive. ETH, which had rebounded to $145, suddenly had a huge needle inserted directly to $87; BTC, which had rebounded to $6,230, also hit $3,790. Such a plunge in pins has once again made everyone feel hopeless.

Have you heard of the three black swans who once made Liangxi earn tens of millions a month, but mad


518 Wanyang’s mother took action, causing the currency circle to tremble! ! !

Everyone knows what a day in the 519 currency circle is like.

BTC was cut in half to $29,000

ETH is even more incredible, it directly went from 4,300 knives to 2,700 knives.

Like other dogs who don't poop, these dogs almost died on the spot.

↓A certain exchange is even more amazing↓

"If you want to stop the loss, hum, there is no door, just unplug the network cable."

Okay, okay, this is all history

On May 19th, the cryptocurrency market suffered a huge decline, with many coins losing more than 50% in price.

Bitcoin, in particular, fell close to 30% in the 12 hours between 9:00 and 21:00. Such a rapid, violent, and continuous decline caused many people to experience a nightmare in the currency circle on this day. First, let’s take a look at what happened on May 19th.

Almost all mainstream currencies suffered heavy losses on May 19th. The price of Bitcoin once fell by nearly $30,000, a drop of about 30%. The price of Ethereum once fell by nearly 50%. OKB coin fell by 56%. Litecoin is down 51%. HT coin fell by 40%.

Dogecoin fell 51%. Shiba Inu Coin fell by 61%. There are other currencies that I won’t list one by one. In short, each one has suffered huge losses compared to the last one. The bloody storm in the market even spread to people in the non-currency circle. That night, it appeared on major entertainment platforms, such as Douyin and Weibo, becoming the top three hot searches.

According to data at the time, the total amount of liquidated positions in the market reached 40 billion, and the number of people who were liquidated was as high as 480,000. In the 2021 519 incident, the entire currency circle suffered an epic collapse, but Liang Xi, a celebrity in the currency circle, became rich overnight because of his brave short selling and became a famous figure overnight. Liangxi's short-selling transaction started with 1,000 yuan and eventually snowballed into tens of millions of dollars.

Have you heard of the three black swans who once made Liangxi earn tens of millions a month, but mad

Since ancient times, Bitcoin has often entered a bull market stage after experiencing a series of sudden major events, including the classic 94, 312 and 519 events.

As new black swan events continue to emerge, the crypto market is indeed getting better and better. Although history will not exactly repeat itself, there are striking similarities. We have always believed that blockchain technology will change the world, and now the 519 incident, like the previous 94 and 312 incidents, has become a proper name in the currency circle. Unconsciously, several years have passed. The 519 incident in the currency circle once again reminds us that the digital currency market is full of risks, and investors should stay calm and not blindly follow the trend.

Each correction is also for a better rise, so maybe this bull market will also have a major correction. The current mainstream belief is that after Bitcoin is halved.

When trading, choose safe and reliable exchanges and trading methods, plan your positions reasonably, and effectively reduce risks. It mainly uses regular investment and regular selling strategies of value coins, supplemented by short-term transactions of small amounts of funds, and all operations must be based on ensuring the safety of the principal. In the future, the cryptocurrency market will continue to develop rapidly and iteratively, and investors should realize the broad prospects and investment value of the blockchain industry.


After reading the above story, you can understand why Brother Dao has always emphasized capital allocation, the 80/20 rule, and position management.

Many old leeks who failed in the first two rounds of bull markets have worn the yellow robe for several years. In the new Year of the Ox, they will understand the importance of stocking up on spot stocks.

Okay, my spot positions, ten times coins, ambushes, coin hoarding techniques, and bull market strategy passwords are all shared with all fans. Just click on my avatar and follow. (There is only one account in the entire network, beware)


