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Bitcoin is aiming for 200,000! Wall Street is anxious, Bitcoin on the exchange has bottomed out, and

Bitcoin is aiming for 200,000! Wall Street is anxious, Bitcoin on the exchange has bottomed out, and

Wall Street is crazy! The OTC market of Bitcoin has been shorted, there is no currency to buy, and Bitcoin is pointing at 200,000!

Dogecoin is now skyrocketing. Will this be a signal that the currency circle has temporarily peaked? Which Dogecoin is worth our ambush now? You must not miss this coin!

Be careful, these three coins are about to be unlocked, so run quickly! Let’s follow Shu Qin to see which coins can be laid out now.

The price of Dogecoins such as Shib, Pepe and Meme is really crazy, with all kinds of explosive prices doubling. However, many old players in the currency circle are very alert to this phenomenon, because every time a bull market breaks out, it often means the end of the bull market, such as April and December last year, and even May and November 2021.

Bitcoin is aiming for 200,000! Wall Street is anxious, Bitcoin on the exchange has bottomed out, and

Will it be the same this time? And how should we operate?

One thing to say is that in the past, altcoins did make sense as market terminators, because they would cause the pie to continue to bleed. It can be said that looking at the historical rise and fall patterns of the currency circle, this phenomenon is 80% true.

But now the environment is a little different. There is really too much money on Wall Street.

Did you know that the major OTC accounts that are favorites of institutions have run out of coins and have all been bought out?

Bitcoin is aiming for 200,000! Wall Street is anxious, Bitcoin on the exchange has bottomed out, and

This OTC means over-the-counter trading. In this way, the two institutions negotiate a price. You transfer US dollars to me and I transfer your coins. The transaction is not carried out on the exchange, so OTC buying will not have an impact on the market. In this way, they There is no need to compete with retail investors for coins, thus reducing your own costs.

But now there are no coins to buy in OTC, so if institutions want to increase their positions, they can only buy Bitcoin through ETFs or exchanges, which will actually increase the price of the currency.

And everyone can clearly see that the outflow of Bitcoin from the exchange is still continuing, and buying orders are still strong!

Bitcoin is aiming for 200,000! Wall Street is anxious, Bitcoin on the exchange has bottomed out, and

The giant whale did not start transferring coins to the exchange to sell them because of the increase, but was still adding positions!

Every time a Bitcoin chip is sold, these institutions rush in and mention it to their cold wallets after buying it, making Bitcoin on the exchange increasingly rare.

No, recently USDT parent company TEDA has issued another 1 billion USDT. All of this money has to be bought in the currency circle. It can be seen that hot money is still pouring in, and there is not much decline.

Bitcoin is aiming for 200,000! Wall Street is anxious, Bitcoin on the exchange has bottomed out, and

And I don’t know if the treasures have discovered it. Every time TEDA issues additional USDT, Bitcoin will most likely experience a wave of gains. And last night, Bitcoin really started to skyrocket, and it was almost close to 69,000!

Bitcoin is aiming for 200,000! Wall Street is anxious, Bitcoin on the exchange has bottomed out, and

In the last additional issuance of 1 billion USDT 12 days ago, Bitcoin was only 51,000 at that time, and then it skyrocketed to 62,000 last week. Going forward, before the ETF was approved, TEDA also issued additional shares many times, and Bitcoin increased from more than 30,000 to 49,000. Therefore, the current market situation is an increase in price and volume, and there is no shortage of funds.

Now we have to see whether Bitcoin can break through the previous high of 69,000. Once it breaks through, it may explode to 75,000 or even 80,000! Then it will reach about 100,000-120,000 this year.

But before Bitcoin breaks through, we still need to be cautious. After all, at the beginning of 2020, Bitcoin also pulled back from its previous high of 20,000.

And we have also talked about it before, there is a rule in the currency circle that after the bull pulls, it often heralds the end of the market, and we have to guard against this. So it's best to be prepared. My suggestion is that you can continue to hold mainstream currencies, and there will be at most a small correction later. This is your opportunity to get on board, because it will rise higher in the future.

Bitcoin is aiming for 200,000! Wall Street is anxious, Bitcoin on the exchange has bottomed out, and

As for Tugo, don’t chase it, because once the popularity of these coins passes, they usually end up being cut in half, so entering Tugo now is more risky than opportunity. For example, Pepe, which is very popular right now, has retraced nearly 60% after its previous surges, which is very scary.

Bitcoin is aiming for 200,000! Wall Street is anxious, Bitcoin on the exchange has bottomed out, and

So if you hold these local currencies, you can consider taking profits and switching positions into some relatively stable mainstream currencies. Even if these currencies fall, they will not fall far and will rise even higher in the future. As for the Earth Dog, we can wait until it collapses before going in to pick up the corpse, because without the currency, it will only rise but not fall, and once the Earth Dog falls, it will be really scary.

Compared with Doge and shit coins, I am more optimistic about Pepe and Meme in this bull market, because the first two coins have experienced the 21-year bull market, there are many hold-ups, and many people have also bought the bottom in the bear market in the past few years. They bought a lot and planned to sell them at a high price, so the selling pressure in their bull market was actually huge. In addition, their own market value is almost 30 billion, and they will not rise several times in the bull market.

Bitcoin is aiming for 200,000! Wall Street is anxious, Bitcoin on the exchange has bottomed out, and

But Pepe and Meme are different. As Internet celebrity coins, they have only been out for less than a year. They have not experienced the baptism of big names, so they can be said to be traveling lightly. And their own market value is not high, Pepe is only 3 billion, which is really much smaller than Gouzi’s 26 billion market value, so I am more optimistic about Pepe and Meme in the Tugou sector.

One thing to say is that Bitcoin is almost 70,000 US dollars. If the bull market reaches 150,000 US dollars next year, it will be doubled. But if we can buy some idiots at low prices, we may be able to earn 10 times or even 30 times next year.

Shu Qin warned everyone that the copycat season is coming when Bitcoin broke through. I wonder if everyone knows about this wave of dividends? Floki, which entered the market at 0.035, can be said to have been bought on the eve of the outbreak.

Bitcoin is aiming for 200,000! Wall Street is anxious, Bitcoin on the exchange has bottomed out, and

But in the short term, I plan to sell on the highs and wait until the heat subsides in a few weeks before buying back in again. After all, Pepe has already increased 10 times, but the retracement space is still quite large. Only by buying the bottom price at a low enough price can you make more money.

Those who are bold can even go short with 15% of the position and double the leverage, and enter the market in batches, 5% each time. For example, the layout is around 0.08 0.09 0.10. If the leverage increases by 100%, the loss will be 15% at most, but the profit can reach 50% or even higher. In fact, even if the currency price continues to skyrocket, it will be no problem to unwind it later, and it will be more cost-effective than profit and loss.

Short selling is the same as buying the bottom. As long as you don't buy the bottom, you will experience a period of floating losses at the lowest point. The same goes for short selling. 1 times is almost the same as the spot. You can hold it with peace of mind and charge the long fund rate. The current annualized rate is 200%.

Of course, the contract is very dangerous, so for stability, let's just watch the show and buy some spot after waiting. In the bull market, it can be said that you can make a steady profit without losing money.

In addition, Ordi, which we called for three times last month to get everyone on board, has taken off as expected. Congratulations to everyone!

I still hold it now. If I get it next year, our target price remains unchanged and we still see 500U!

In addition, babies who want to operate together can come and take a look. There are many operational opportunities every day.

Okay, let's continue.

As the saying goes, those who can buy are experts, and those who can sell are masters. With such a few coins, you can consider shipping them as appropriate.

The first is that the ARB unlock we have been talking about before is finally coming. This is a negative but I see an opportunity.

He will unlock 87% of the current circulating supply of tokens in 12 days, that is, next Sunday, which is very scary. Therefore, those who hold this currency can consider selling on highs before unlocking, because after unlocking, his selling pressure will be very high. Big, and this is our opportunity. After his selling pressure ends in a few weeks, we can go hunting for the bottom. This is one of the few opportunities for many people to enter this king at a low price, and the bold ones can even consider shorting at a low multiple.

In addition, I think Ethereum and related ecological coins can also be prepared to sell on rallies, because they will be upgraded next Wednesday, that is, March 13th, and there is a high probability that the benefits will be exhausted and the correction will begin. At that time, we will take it back at a low price.

In addition, Aptos and Pixel will also unlock 7% of the current circulating supply of tokens in 9 days and 15 days respectively. The selling pressure is still quite large. Those who are bold can go short at a low multiple. If you want stability, wait for the correction to buy the bottom. Spot goods.

Compared to the uncertainty of the chain game Pixel, I am more optimistic about Aptos, a new public chain. Everyone has seen how crazy its price has been recently, and those who have not yet jumped on the platform can wait to get some discounted chips after it is unlocked.

In addition, everyone must not forget that our Bitcoin output will be halved on the 20th of next month (tentatively), which has been a signal for big bulls to start in the past!

At that time, the output of each Bitcoin block will be reduced from 6.25 Bitcoins to 3.125 Bitcoins. At that time, the buying price will remain unchanged, but the output will be halved. The demand will be greater than the supply. This will cause a long-term supply and demand imbalance, and the output will be halved. This will cause miners' mining costs to soar, and currency prices to rise accordingly.

Therefore, every halving will form a bull market, without exception. Everyone, please sit tight and keep up with this roller coaster!

Okay, that’s it for today’s program. Please pay attention to us, let’s gain wealth and freedom together in this bull market!




