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原创 defioasis 吴说Real 2024-01-30 09:01 发表于山东

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2022年12月,Casey推出了Ordinals协议,打开了比特币生态的潘多拉魔盒。Ordinals协议为每个聪赋予独特的序列号,任何用户都可以在聪上铭刻附加信息,包括文本、图片、视频和3D模型等。这些铭文可以保存在比特币钱包中,并在比特币交易中追踪,与比特币一样具有不可篡改、去中心化等特性。凯西其定位是在比特币上保存一些永恒不变的东西,最初被用于创建与储备 NFT 收藏品。目前比特币铭文数量已超过 5,700 万,累计贡献了超过 2.3 亿美元费用。

(2)Bitcoin Punks实现Ordinals首次亮相


2023年2月9日,首个使用Ordinals协议将以太坊CryptoPunks字节上传到比特币链上的NFT Bitcoin Punks在社交媒体引发热议。2月9日下午15:24,概览 1万一个完成的比特币朋克在诞生的不到两天内被全部铸造。 纪念,大多数人没有注意到序号,这不过是朋克在不同区块链上的再次复制,直到由序号带来的铭文保持完好革命与每个人息息相关。

(3)BRC-20 点燃比特币序数


2023年3月,匿名开发者domo基于Ordinals协议推出BRC-20。BRC-20本质上是作为一种特定的JSON文本文件被用于交易。JSON是Ordinal inscription,文件有一个唯一的编号。每个JSON文件都有一个唯一的编号对应一个特定的 BRC-20。BRC-20 可以看做是一种比特币山寨币的发行标准,具有公平发行的特点。在发行后,BRC-20 在短时间内迅速点燃了比特币序号,并诞生了数字万种铭文代币。 目前比特币序数上约 95% 的铭文为 BRC-20 作为主要代表的文本类型。



最早入局铭文板块的主流中心化交易所,除了背后研究团队的分析与谋略外,OKX多年来打造的OKLink的技术储备也发挥出了绝对优势。或能称为2023年加密货币最佳产品创新OKX Web3 钱包内置钱包的体验高度依赖于 OKLink 背后的服务数据,提升服务稳定性的不断提高,让前台产品能高度契合用户需求。目前 OKX Web3 钱包已基本成为铭文用户入场的首选,其在铭文中交易量和用户的市场贡献稳定超过60%,在2023年11-12月里市场贡献一度维持在80%-90%。在比特币Ordinals链上市场交易量估计超过8千万美元历史性新高的12月16日中,OKX Web3钱包贡献了近7,400万美元的交易量。



在 2023 年 9 月末到 10 月中下旬,BRC-20 庆祝诞生了以来最大的危机,链上铸造数几乎降为 0,这是由匿名开发者 Rijndael 发明的一个名为“Sophon”的BRC-20 狙击机器人导致的。Sophon 机器人利用 BRC-20“先到先得”的部署机制和大多数比特币交易的公开性,比特币监视币交易在 BRC-20 部署中进行,然后以更高的费用基于相同的代币代码广播类似的铭文,这样一来能够将其他 BRC-20 配置交易取代,使复制的 BRC-20 成为“官方”。此外,Sophon 令牌配置的每个代币设置为1,使得部署的每个代币只有唯一的持有者,链上铸造活动迷宫。幸运的是,Rijndael并不是最终玩家,以及Sophon运行需要花费不低的费用,在运行一段时间后关闭,并转让开源给软件opensats。



作为 BRC-20 首铭文代币,ORDI 从最初的基础气体铸造的公平发行到一度超过 90 美元,在不到一年的时间内就迎来了数万倍的涨幅。在这个过程中,以ORDI 为首的 BRC-20 以及背后的 Ordinals 协议逐渐被更多的用户所熟悉。在 2023 年 5 月和 11 月,ORDI 分别上线了 OKX 和 Binance 头部交易所,并在上线了 Binance 后的一个月时间里完成了十倍涨幅。其次,SATS也登陆了Binance和OKX。ORDI和SATS在头部交易所的上线,让用户看到了交易所对铭文资产的积极态度,并期待更多的铭文代币能够上线。



2023年11月中旬到12月,铭文资金的充裕开始由比特币向大型EVM公链溢出,对第一个铭文资产的FOMO情绪也急剧向大型链公链分散,甚至连测试网也成为恐慌的对象。 十余条公链突然在某日突然爆发出数百万甚至数千万条交易,一度让某些公链陷入瘫痪。




(9)外部危机:比特币核心客户端开发者 Luke Dashjr 要求取消铭文

(Data source: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/28408)

Bitcoin Core client developer Luke Dashjr submitted PR#28408to Bitcoin Core Github in September 2023, which updated "datacarriersize" to filter "inscription" transactions that carry new script data. On December 6, 2023, Luke posted an attack on social media, saying that "Inscription" was using the vulnerability of Bitcoin Core to conduct spam attacks on the blockchain, and hoped that the vulnerability could be finally fixed before the release of v27 in 2024. Luke classified the inscription of the fire as a Bitcoin vulnerability and determined to fix it, which became the biggest external crisis faced by Bitcoin Inscription protocols such as Ordinals at that time.

Regarding the issue of whether to retain the inscription of PR #28408, major Bitcoin developers continued to have hundreds of heated discussions on the Bitcoin Core Github for a month. At the same time, on social media, various forces representing miners, developers, communities and users also started a war of words. However, due to the large differences between pros and cons, it was difficult to reach a conclusion. Bitcoin Core maintainer achow101 believed that the PR was obviously controversial, and finally closed the PR on January 5, 2024. At this point, the external crisis of the Bitcoin Inscription Protocol has come to an end for the time being. During this time, Inscription Asset Representative ORDI was up nearly 35% overall and hit a new all-time high despite the short-term impact.

(10) Internal crisis: Consensus differences between BRC-20 creator domo and the largest indexer UniSat

BRC-20 is based on the Ordinals protocol, but is not native to the Ordinals protocol. When the Ordinals protocol faces an upgrade, BRC-20 will face the problem of whether the index will follow the Ordinals protocol upgrade. The index is essentially a consensus carrier. In order to maintain the stability of the index, domo will freeze BRC-20 in ord v 0.9 version in November 2023. However, with the development of the Ordinals protocol, earlier problems such as unrecognizable curse inscriptions have been fixed, and many new features have been introduced, which has left BRC-20 frozen in ord v 0.9 facing a big choice.

On January 3, 2024, UniSat, which has the largest index consensus in the market, chose to upgrade BRC-20 to follow Ordinals Jubilee, which was contrary to the original intention of BRC-20 creator domo. Domo criticized UniSat for forking BRC-20. The "stability faction" of the Layer 1 Foundation, led by BestinSlot and domo, and the "upgrade faction" such as UniSat and Ordinals Wallet, formed two forces on the BRC-20 issue. One is the creator, and the other is the largest index consensus. BRC-20 is facing an unprecedented internal crisis. Although there were different opinions, the starting point for BRC-20 was good. After friendly communication between the two parties, domo and UniSat finally reached an agreement 2 days later on January 5, agreeing that BRC-20 would follow Ordinals to upgrade. OKX and Binance also support BRC-20 upgrades following the Ordinals protocol. Although the crisis was resolved in a short period of time, it also made people realize that assets derived based on the Ordinals protocol are prone to face the test of consensus split in the early stages of development.

(11) The diversified ecology of Ordinals inscription asset types cannot be ignored

(Data source: https://dune.com/dgtl_assets/bitcoin-ordinals-analysis)

Although texts headed by BRC-20 occupy the absolute inscription type, other types of inscription assets have never stopped developing, and accurate positioning still has room for development. From Bitcoin Punks to Bitcoin Frogs to NodeMonkes, image-type assets represented by NFT have maintained a stable development trend. The fully on-chain and non-tamperable characteristics have returned to the essence of NFT collectibles; 3D model types represented by BRC-420 Blue Box The asset shows the imagination of building a metaverse on Bitcoin. On January 23, 2024, the number of model inscription assets minted reached a record high of 61,000; building applications on Bitcoin has become a reality.

(12) The Runes protocol proposed by the founder of Ordinals is highly anticipated

(Data source: https://geniidata.com/user/jonsnft/degen)

Tired of the negative consequences of the massive increase in UTXO brought about by BRC-20, Ordinals protocol founder Casey publicly criticized BRC-20 on social media on September 25, 2023, and proposed a new token to replace BRC-20 Standard protocol Runes. Runes balance is recorded and saved by UTXO, and one UTXO can contain any number of runes. Compared with BRC-20, UTXO-based Runes are more in line with the native characteristics of Bitcoin, reducing the harm caused by UTXO set expansion, and reducing the risk of consensus differentiation caused by relying on external indexes.

The "official version" Runes protocol mainnet launched by Casey has been scheduled to be launched at the next Bitcoin halving, but the Runes vision has been realized on some grassroots protocols, such as Rune Alpha, which deployed COOK rune tokens; led by Inscription model worker Benny The PIPE Protocol was launched, and rune tokens such as PIPE were born; RSIC is a new mining method, and the mining output is some kind of rune token after the Runes protocol is launched in the future.

(13) The Atomics protocol based on UTXO model shows potential

(Data source: https://dune.com/0xmatsu0x/atomicals-vs-ordinals)

In September 2023, Arthur launched the Ordinals improved protocol Atomicals based on the Bitcoin UTXO model after several months of polishing. It has a GPU Bitwork mining mechanism and natively defines three asset types: NFT, ARC-20 and Realm. Among them, ARC-20 It is a Satoshi-dyed token standard, with each ARC-20 token backed by 1 Satoshi. Because it is closer to the original Bitcoin ecosystem, Atomics is also considered by the community to have the potential to succeed Ordinals and start a new round of inscription ecological prosperity. Because it has the same name as the atom, the basic unit of matter, the Atomics agreement formed a physical MEME culture headed by ATOM, and most of the other ARC-20s are also named after physical nouns. On January 1 and January 21, 2024, QUARK and SOPHON’s minting events both pushed Atomics to surpass Ordinals in single-day minting/deployment numbers.

(14) Airdrops to Bitcoin degen players may become the norm, RSIC’s first high-value airdrop

(Data source: https://dune.com/keyinotc/rsic-airdrop)

On January 22, 2024, RSIC airdropped a total of 9.27k addresses to Ordinals active addresses and blue-chip BTC NFT holders. The total supply of RSIC is 21,000, and the current floor price exceeds 0.036 BTC (approximately $1,500). This is the first time that the Inscription project has carried out a cold start with a high-value airdrop. Airdrops to active Bitcoin players may become more and more normal in the future.

(15) Bitcoin expansion path exploration, BTC L2 ushered in a blowout


据BitVM中文社区统计,目前居民公开的BTC L2已超过30个,按其特点可解读为侧链、链下计算、Rollup、数据可用性、状态通道、客户端验证等,其中侧链有 BEVM、MAP Protocol 和 Merlin Chain 等,Rollup 有 QED Protocol、BitVM 和 Bison 等,数据可用性有 Veda 和 Nubit,状态通道有 OmniBOLT 和 Lightning Network,客户端验证有 RGB,其他有 Bool Network、Dovi 和 Bitfinity Network等。预计最终本轮周期可能将超过100个BTC L2诞生。








